











Security Notice

Notification Policy

When we discover a security vulnerability in NTP we first notify institutional members of the NTP Consortium at Network Time Foundation, then CERT, and finally make a public announcement.

Reporting Security Issues

Security related bugs, confirmed or suspected, are to be reported by e-mail to security@ntp.org.

Please refrain from discussing potential security issues in public fora such as the comp.protocols.time.ntp Usenet news-group, our Bug Tracking system, bugs@ntp.org, or any other mailing-list.

Active Vulnerabilities

NTF's NTP Project has been notified of a number of vulnerabilities from Neel Mehta and Stephen Roettger of Google's Security Team. The two most serious of these issues and four less serious issues have been resolved as of ntp-4.2.8, which was released on 18 December 2014. There are still two less significant issues to be addressed. We're expecting to fix these within the next month.

Resolved Vulnerabilities

The following vulnerabilities have been reported for the Reference Implementation of NTP during the 20+ years that the NTP Project has existed.

Weak default key in config_auth()

  • References: Sec 2665 / CVE-2014-9293 / VU#852879
  • CVSS: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:M/C:P/I:P/A:C) Base Score: 7.3
  • Versions: All NTP4 releases before 4.2.7p11
  • Date Resolved: Dev (4.2.7p11) 28 Jan 2010
  • Summary: If no auth key is set in the configuration file, ntpd would generate a random key on the fly. There were two problems with this: 1) the generated key was 31 bits in size, and 2) it used the (now weak) ntp_random() function, which was seeded with a 32 bit value and can only provide 32 bits of entropy. This was sufficient back in the late 1990s when this code was written. Not today.
  • Mitigation - any of:
  • Credit: This vulnerability was discovered in ntp-4.2.6 by Neel Mehta of the Google Security Team.

non-cryptographic random number generator with weak seed used by ntp-keygen to generate symmetric keys

  • References: Sec 2666 / CVE-2014-9294 / VU#852879
  • CVSS: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:M/C:P/I:P/A:C) Base Score: 7.3
  • Versions: All NTP4 releases before 4.2.7p230
  • Date Resolved: Dev (4.2.7p230) 01 Nov 2011
  • Summary: Prior to ntp-4.2.7p230 ntp-keygen used a weak seed to prepare a random number generator that was of good quality back in the late 1990s. The random numbers produced was then used to generate symmetric keys. In ntp-4.2.8 we use a current-technology cryptographic random number generator, either RAND_bytes from OpenSSL, or arc4random().
  • Mitigation - any of:
  • Credit: This vulnerability was discovered in ntp-4.2.6 by Stephen Roettger of the Google Security Team.

Buffer overflow in crypto_recv()

  • References: Sec 2667 / CVE-2014-9295 / VU#852879
  • CVSS: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P) Base Score: 7.5
  • Versions: All releases before 4.2.8
  • Date Resolved: Stable (4.2.8) 18 Dec 2014
  • Summary: When Autokey Authentication is enabled (i.e. the ntp.conf file contains a crypto pw ... directive) a remote attacker can send a carefully crafted packet that can overflow a stack buffer and potentially allow malicious code to be executed with the privilege level of the ntpd process.
  • Mitigation - any of:
    • Upgrade to 4.2.8, or later, from the NTP Project Download Page or the NTP Public Services Project Download Page
    • Disable Autokey Authentication by removing, or commenting out, all configuration directives beginning with the crypto keyword in your ntp.conf file.
    • Put restrict ... noquery in your ntp.conf file, for non-trusted senders.
  • Credit: This vulnerability was discovered by Stephen Roettger of the Google Security Team.

Buffer overflow in ctl_putdata()

Buffer overflow in configure()

receive(): missing return on error

  • References: Sec 2670 / CVE-2014-9296 / VU#852879
  • Versions: All NTP4 releases before 4.2.8
  • CVSS: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P) Base Score: 5.0
  • Date Resolved: Stable (4.2.8) 18 Dec 2014
  • Summary: Code in ntp_proto.c:receive() is missing a return; in the code path where an error was detected, which meant processing did not stop when a specific rare error occurred. We haven't found a way for this bug to affect system integrity. If there is no way to affect system integrity the base CVSS score for this bug is 0. If there is one avenue through which system integrity can be partially affected, the base score becomes a 5. If system integrity can be partially affected via all three integrity metrics, the CVSS base score become 7.5.
  • Mitigation:
  • Credit: This vulnerability was discovered by Stephen Roettger of the Google Security Team.