

        若要保证 Queue 的线程安全,必须通过此包装执行所有操作。


下列示例说明如何同步 Queue、如何确定 Queue 是否同步以及如何使用同步的 Queue。
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class SamplesQueue  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new Queue.
      Queue myQ = new Queue();
      myQ.Enqueue( "The" );
      myQ.Enqueue( "quick" );
      myQ.Enqueue( "brown" );
      myQ.Enqueue( "fox" );

      // Creates a synchronized wrapper around the Queue.
      Queue mySyncdQ = Queue.Synchronized( myQ );

      // Displays the sychronization status of both Queues.
      Console.WriteLine( "myQ is {0}.", myQ.IsSynchronized ? "synchronized" : "not synchronized" );
      Console.WriteLine( "mySyncdQ is {0}.", mySyncdQ.IsSynchronized ? "synchronized" : "not synchronized" );
This code produces the following output.

myQ is not synchronized.
mySyncdQ is synchronized.


// Creates a synchronized wrapper around the Queue.
      Queue mySyncdQ = Queue.Synchronized( new Queue());

