Lidgren Network Library

Lidgren Network Library

Collapse imageClasses

Public class NetAESEncryption
AES encryption
Public class NetBitVector
Fixed size vector of booleans
Public class NetBitWriter
Helper class for NetBuffer to write/read bits
Public class NetBlockEncryptionBase
Base for a non-threadsafe encryption class
Public class NetBuffer  
Public class NetClient
Specialized version of NetPeer used for a "client" connection. It does not accept any incoming connections and maintains a ServerConnection property
Public class NetConnection
Represents a connection to a remote peer
Public class NetConnectionStatistics
Statistics for a NetConnection instance
Public class NetDESEncryption
DES encryption
Public class NetException
Exception thrown in the Lidgren Network Library
Public class NetIncomingMessage
Incoming message either sent from a remote peer or generated within the library
Public class NetOutgoingMessage
Outgoing message used to send data to remote peer(s)
Public class NetPeer
Represents a local peer capable of holding zero, one or more connections to remote peers
Public class NetPeerConfiguration
Partly immutable after NetPeer has been initialized
Public class NetPeerStatistics
Statistics for a NetPeer instance
Public class NetQueue<(Of <(<'T>)>)>
Thread safe (blocking) expanding queue with TryDequeue() and EnqueueFirst()
Public class NetRandom
A fast random number generator for .NET Colin Green, January 2005
Public class NetRC2Encryption
RC2 encryption
Public class NetServer
Specialized version of NetPeer used for "server" peers
Public class NetSRP
Helper methods for implementing SRP authentication
Public class NetTime
Time service
Public class NetTripleDESEncryption
Triple DES encryption
Public class NetUPnP
UPnP support class
Public class NetUtility
Utility methods
Public class NetXorEncryption
Example class; not very good encryption
Public class NetXtea
Methods to encrypt and decrypt data using the XTEA algorithm

Collapse imageStructures

Public structure SingleUIntUnion  

Collapse imageInterfaces

Public interface INetEncryption
Interface for an encryption algorithm

Collapse imageDelegates

Collapse imageEnumerations

Public enumeration NetConnectionStatus
Status for a NetConnection instance
Public enumeration NetDeliveryMethod
How the library deals with resends and handling of late messages
Public enumeration NetIncomingMessageType
The type of a NetIncomingMessage
Public enumeration NetPeerStatus
Status for a NetPeer instance
Public enumeration NetSendResult
Result of a SendMessage call 