漫说单例模式--宝宝成长记 你真的了解了吗?

1. 你就是单例



public class Singleton {
    private final static Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();  //婴儿呱呱落地
    // Private constructor suppresses   
    private Singleton() {}
    // default public constructor
    public static Singleton getInstance() {  //每个人都想抱你,和你亲近,你也想很多人亲近。
        return INSTANCE;


第一种称之为:Eager initialization,如上面的代码所示。另一种称之为Lazy initialization。代码如下所示:

public class SingletonDemo {
    private static SingletonDemo instance = null;  //我很懒,你要想报我,你自己动手
    private SingletonDemo() {    }
    public static  SingletonDemo getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new SingletonDemo (); //你得到机会了。
        return instance;

2. 竞争的产生


public class SingletonDemo {
    private static SingletonDemo instance = null;
    private SingletonDemo() {    }
    public static synchronized SingletonDemo getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
                    instance = new SingletonDemo ();
        return instance;


public class SingletonDemo {
    private static volatile SingletonDemo instance = null;
    private SingletonDemo() {    }
    public static SingletonDemo getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
                        synchronized (SingletonDemo .class){
                    if (instance == null) {
                                        instance = new SingletonDemo ();
        return instance;

当然,因为怕出现问题,你想出了更巧的办法:双重检查锁(Double-checked locking)

public static Singleton getInstance() {
  if(singleton == null) {
     synchronized(Singleton.class) {
       if(singleton == null) {
         singleton = new Singleton();
  return singleton;


3. 太复杂了,扛不住了,那就简单一点吧

public class Singleton {
   public final static Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
   private Singleton() {
         // Exists only to defeat instantiation.


Singleton singleton = Singleton.INSTANCE;

4. 上面产生单例的方法都是静态的,可以使用动态的方式吗?


import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Singleton {
   private static HashMap map = new HashMap();
   private static Logger logger = Logger.getRootLogger();
   protected Singleton() {
      // Exists only to thwart instantiation
   public static synchronized Singleton getInstance(String classname) {
      Singleton singleton = (Singleton)map.get(classname);
      if(singleton != null) {
         logger.info("got singleton from map: " + singleton);
         return singleton;
      try {
         singleton = (Singleton)Class.forName(classname).newInstance();
      catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
         logger.fatal("Couldn't find class " + classname);    
      catch(InstantiationException ie) {
         logger.fatal("Couldn't instantiate an object of type " + classname);    
      catch(IllegalAccessException ia) {
         logger.fatal("Couldn't access class " + classname);    
      map.put(classname, singleton);
      logger.info("created singleton: " + singleton);
      return singleton;


import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class SingletonRegistry {
   public static SingletonRegistry REGISTRY = new SingletonRegistry();
   private static HashMap map = new HashMap();
   private static Logger logger = Logger.getRootLogger();
   protected SingletonRegistry() {
      // Exists to defeat instantiation
   public static synchronized Object getInstance(String classname) {
      Object singleton = map.get(classname);
      if(singleton != null) {
         return singleton;
      try {
         singleton = Class.forName(classname).newInstance();
         logger.info("created singleton: " + singleton);
      catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
         logger.fatal("Couldn't find class " + classname);    
      catch(InstantiationException ie) {
         logger.fatal("Couldn't instantiate an object of type " + 
      catch(IllegalAccessException ia) {
         logger.fatal("Couldn't access class " + classname);    
      map.put(classname, singleton);
      return singleton;


import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Singleton {
   protected Singleton() {
      // Exists only to thwart instantiation.
   public static Singleton getInstance() {
      return (Singleton)SingletonRegistry.REGISTRY.getInstance(classname);

5. 如果有很多小孩,医院是如何管理的呢?


护士classloader 婴儿instance

private static Class getClass(String classname) 
                                         throws ClassNotFoundException {
      ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
      if(classLoader == null)
         classLoader = Singleton.class.getClassLoader();
      return (classLoader.loadClass(classname));

6. 如何给婴儿包被褥呢?当脱掉一件后如果被包裹了两层就,不好了。为了避免这种情况,就需要检查包裹的效果了。

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class Singleton implements java.io.Serializable {
   public static Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();
   protected Singleton() {
      // Exists only to thwart instantiation.
      private Object readResolve() {  //保证包裹的检查返回同一种情况。
            return INSTANCE;


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern

2. http://www.javaworld.com/article/2073352/core-java/simply-singleton.html

3. 注意,以上图片均来自互联网,不一一标注了。
