
一:先配置环境:自定义Log输出(DEBUG 和 release模式),并屏蔽后台多余的打印信息

1:屏蔽后台多余的打印信息:如果写了OS_ACTIVITY_MODE = disable 还是不行.把对号重新勾选就可以了.


—>buildSettings—>搜索swift flag—>Debug -> 添加-D DEBUG 做标记--------在项目中实现:#if DEBUG    #endif



 总结:1:设置全局函数都在AppDelegate中进行设置,class 类声明之后

 2: 自定义Log: 定义Log 1. 定义Log的打印内容

 获取所在的文件 #FILE 获取所在的方法 #FUNCTION 获取所在的行 #LINE

 默认参数:当在方法中传参数时,也可以传入默认参数,定义:file : String = #file,默认参数在外界传递参数的时候不会显示

 全局函数:在AppDelegate中定义全局函数:<T>表示泛型,传打印内容:func DLog<T> (message: T,fileName:String = #file,funcName:String = #function,lineNum:Int = #line) 2.DLog在Debug下 打印,在release下 不打印

 定义标记项 —>buildSettings—>搜索swift flag—>Debug -> -D DEBUG 做标记--------在项目中实现:#if DEBUG    #endif

 3:1:#if DEBUG  //DEBUG模式下

 let file = (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent;



 2:let file = (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent;获取文件的扩展名,(fileName as NSString)将swift的字符串转为OC字符串,并调用OC的方法,关键字as,在截取字符串的时候也通常将swift的字符串转为OC字符串来进行截取

 3: print("(file):(funcName):(lineNum):("打印内容"):(message)"):插值运算:插值运算"()"来表示。


func DLog<T> (message: T,fileName:String = #file,funcName:String = #function,lineNum:Int = #line) {


    #if DEBUG


    let file = (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent;









import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

     1:1:window为可选类型,可选类型的定义:var window: UIWindow?,可选类型就是可以为空值nil或是由值,若是想获得可选类型的值,则可以进行可选绑定或是强制解包,若是强制解包必须要保证强制解包的值不为nil,若为nil会产生崩溃 2:var window: UIWindow?,为该类的属性,定义属性的时候,必须保证属性有初始化值,或是定义成可选类型,否则会报错
     window = UIWindow(frame:UIScreen.main.bounds)
     window?.rootViewController = RHTabBarViewController()
     3:设置全局tabBar的样式:设置tabBar的tintColor,就是改变tabbarItem的图片文字颜色,若不设置,则系统会自动将图片和文字渲染为蓝色:UITabBar.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.orange
     var window: UIWindow?

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

        window = UIWindow(frame:UIScreen.main.bounds)
        window?.rootViewController = RHTabBarViewController()
        UITabBar.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.orange
        DLog(message: "123")
        return true

    func applicationWillResignActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
        // Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and invalidate graphics rendering callbacks. Games should use this method to pause the game.

    func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Use this method to release shared resources, save user data, invalidate timers, and store enough application state information to restore your application to its current state in case it is terminated later.
        // If your application supports background execution, this method is called instead of applicationWillTerminate: when the user quits.

    func applicationWillEnterForeground(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Called as part of the transition from the background to the active state; here you can undo many of the changes made on entering the background.

    func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Restart any tasks that were paused (or not yet started) while the application was inactive. If the application was previously in the background, optionally refresh the user interface.

    func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {
        // Called when the application is about to terminate. Save data if appropriate. See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.


 总结:1:设置全局函数都在AppDelegate中进行设置,class 类声明之后
 2: 自定义Log: 定义Log 1. 定义Log的打印内容
 获取所在的文件 #FILE 获取所在的方法 #FUNCTION 获取所在的行 #LINE
 默认参数:当在方法中传参数时,也可以传入默认参数,定义:file : String = #file,默认参数在外界传递参数的时候不会显示
 全局函数:在AppDelegate中定义全局函数:<T>表示泛型,传打印内容:func DLog<T> (message: T,fileName:String = #file,funcName:String = #function,lineNum:Int = #line) 2.DLog在Debug下 打印,在release下 不打印
 定义标记项 —>buildSettings—>搜索swift flag—>Debug -> -D DEBUG 做标记--------在项目中实现:#if DEBUG    #endif
 3:1:#if DEBUG  //DEBUG模式下
 let file = (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent;
 2:let file = (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent;获取文件的扩展名,(fileName as NSString)将swift的字符串转为OC字符串,并调用OC的方法,关键字as,在截取字符串的时候也通常将swift的字符串转为OC字符串来进行截取
 3: print("(file):(funcName):(lineNum):("打印内容"):(message)"):插值运算:插值运算"()"来表示。
func DLog<T> (message: T,fileName:String = #file,funcName:String = #function,lineNum:Int = #line) {
    #if DEBUG
    let file = (fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent;


import UIKit

class RHTabBarViewController: UITabBarController {

     总结:1:1:在RHTabBarViewController上添加子控制器:需要封装一个函数(封装的函数写在class类里),外部传控制器对象,title,imageName 2:swift支持方法的重载,方法的重载:方法名称相同,但是参数不同. --> 1.参数的类型不同 2.参数的个数不同,在定义函数时使用private修饰,表示在当前文件中可以访问,但是其他文件不能访问private func addChildViewController(_ childController: UIViewController,title : String,imageName:String),其中第一个参数的下划线可以省略,那么如果省略外部调用,第一个参数名就会显示出来,  addChildViewController(childController: <#T##UIViewController#>, title: <#T##String#>, imageName: <#T##String#>)
         如果不省略: addChildViewController(<#T##childController: UIViewController##UIViewController#>, title: <#T##String#>, imageName: <#T##String#>)
         2:创建对象用的是构造函数:RHHomeTableViewController(),在封装的方法中,设置tabBar的标题,图片:childController.title, childController.tabBarItem.image, childController.tabBarItem.selectedImage
            childController.tabBarItem.selectedImage = UIImage(named: imageName + "_highlighted"),字符串与字符串的拼接就用 + ,添加子控制器:addChildViewController(childNav),可以省略self去调用
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        addChildViewController(RHHomeTableViewController(), title: "首页", imageName: "tabbar_home")
        addChildViewController(RHMessageTableViewController(), title: "信息", imageName: "tabbar_message_center")
        addChildViewController(RHDiscoverViewController(), title: "发现", imageName: "tabbar_discover")
        addChildViewController(RHProfileTableViewController(), title: "", imageName: "tabbar_profile")


    private func addChildViewController(_ childController: UIViewController,title : String,imageName:String) {
        childController.title = title;
        childController.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: imageName)
        childController.tabBarItem.selectedImage = UIImage(named: imageName + "_highlighted")
        let childNav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: childController)



    1.格式化数字字面量    通过使用下划线可以提高数字字面量的可读性,例如:

  1. let paddedDouble = 123.000_001  
  2. let oneMillion = 1_000_000


  1. let http404Error = (404, "Not Found")  
  2. let (_, errorMessage) = http404Error


  1. let base = 3  
  2. let power = 10  
  3. var answer = 1  
  4. for _ in 1...power {  
  5.     answer *= base  
  6. }

    (1).忽略方法的默认外部参数名    在使用方法(类方法或者实例方法)时,方法的第二个参数名及后续的参数名,默认既是内部参数名,又是外部参数名,如果不想提供外部参数名,可以在参数名前添加(下划线+空格)来忽略外部参数名。

  1. class Counter {  
  2.     var count: Int = 0  
  3.     func incrementBy(amount: Int, numberOfTimes: Int) {  
  4.         count += amount * numberOfTimes  
  5.     }  
  6. }


  1. class Counter {  
  2.     var count: Int = 0  
  3.     func incrementBy(amount: Int, _ numberOfTimes: Int) {  
  4.         count += amount * numberOfTimes  
  5.     }  
  6. }

    (2).忽略具有默认值的参数的外部参数名    当函数(或者方法)的参数具有默认值时,Swift自动为该参数提供与参数名一致的默认外部参数名,因此在进行函数调用的时候,要提供默认参数名,可以使用下划线进行忽略默认外部参数名。

  1. func join(s1: String, s2: String, joiner: String = " ") -> String {  
  2.     return s1 + joiner + s2  
  3. }  
  4. // call the function.  
  5. join("hello", "world", joiner: "-")


  1. func join(s1: String, s2: String, _ joiner: String = " ") -> String {  
  2.     return s1 + joiner + s2  
  3. }  
  4. // call the function.  
  5. join("hello", "world", "-")



  • 将Main Interface处的main删除
  • 在application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions:方法中创建window,并且设置根控制器
    // 设置整体主题TabBar的tintColor
    UITabBar.appearance().tintColor = UIColor.orangeColor()

    // 1.创建window
    self.window = UIWindow(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
    self.window?.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

    // 2.设置window的根控制器
    self.window?.rootViewController = MainViewController()

    // 3.让窗口生效
  • 在MainViewController中添加子控制器
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // 添加自控制器
        self.addChildViewController(HomeViewController(), imageName: "tabbar_home", title: "主页")
        self.addChildViewController(MessageViewController(), imageName: "tabbar_message_center", title: "消息")
        self.addChildViewController(DiscoverViewController(), imageName: "tabbar_discover", title: "广场")
        self.addChildViewController(ProfileViewController(), imageName: "tabbar_profile", title: "我")

    private func addChildViewController(childCVc: UIViewController, imageName : String, title : String) {
        // 1.创建自控制器
        let homeNav = UINavigationController(rootViewController: childCVc)

        // 2.设置标题
        childCVc.title = title
        childCVc.tabBarItem.selectedImage = UIImage(named: imageName + "_highlighted")
        childCVc.tabBarItem.image = UIImage(named: imageName)

        // 3.添加到UITabbarController