[LeetCode] Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 解题报告

Given a binary tree, flatten it to a linked list in-place.
For example,
/ \
2 5
/ \ \
3 4 6
The flattened tree should look like:
» Solve this problem


1:  void flatten(TreeNode *root) {  
2: // Start typing your C/C++ solution below
3: // DO NOT write int main() function
4: if(root == NULL)
5: return;
6: ConvertToLink(root);
7: }
8: TreeNode* ConvertToLink(TreeNode* node)
9: {
10: if(node->left == NULL && node->right == NULL)
11: return node;
12: TreeNode* rHead = NULL;
13: if(node->right != NULL)
14: rHead = ConvertToLink(node->right);
15: TreeNode* p = node;
16: if(node->left!=NULL)
17: {
18: TreeNode* lHead = ConvertToLink(node->left);
19: node->right = lHead;
20: lHead->left = NULL;
21: node->left = NULL;
22: while(p->right!=NULL)
23: p = p->right;
24: }
25: if(rHead != NULL)
26: {
27: p->right = rHead;
28: rHead->left = NULL;
29: }
30: return node;
31: }

1. Line 13~14
  /     \
2       3
如果先处理左树的话,当执行node->right = lhead的时候,右节点就已经被破坏了,node->right指向了2,而不是3。
     2  (3)
2. Line 22~23
3. Line 20, 28

Update 08/25/2014  being asked this question today. But the interviewer asked for an in-order flatten.
Review previous solution. Actually, I made it too complicate. If travel this tree in pre-order, from the hint, it is easy to construct the linked list.

1:       void flatten(TreeNode *root) {  
2: if(root == NULL) return;
3: TreeNode* right = root->right;
4: if(lastVisitedNode != NULL)
5: {
6: lastVisitedNode->left = NULL;
7: lastVisitedNode->right = root;
8: }
9: lastVisitedNode = root;
10: flatten(root->left);
11: flatten(right);
12: }

pre-order is simple because the root always is the head of flatten list. But if flatten the tree with in-order sequence, need extra parameter to track the head and tail of each flattened sun-tree.
For example, below binary tree.

If we flatten it with in-order, the process should like below. And here I use the left pointer of head node to track the tail node.

1:  TreeNode* flatten(TreeNode *root) {  
2: if (root == NULL) return NULL;
3: TreeNode* rightTree = root->right;
4: TreeNode* newHead = root;
5: TreeNode* leftList = flatten(root->left);
6: if (leftList != NULL)
7: {
8: newHead = leftList;
9: TreeNode* tail = leftList->left;
10: tail->right = root;
11: root->left = tail;
12: leftList->left = root;
13: }
14: TreeNode* rightList = flatten(rightTree);
15: if (rightList != NULL)
16: {
17: root->right = rightList;
18: newHead->left = rightList->left;
19: rightList->left = root;
20: }
21: return newHead;
22: }
