

  1. Never mourn the past. 永远不要为过去悲伤。——2020.12.01
  2. When a friendship is real, you can feel it. 交到真心朋友的时候,你是可以感觉到的。——2020.12.02
  3. You can nearly always enjoy something if you make up your mind firmly that you will. 只要你下定决定做某件事,总能从中找到乐趣。——2020.12.03
  4. You can help us with the battle ahead, perhaps we can help you get home. 如果你能和我们并肩作战,也许我们就能帮你回家。——2020.12.04
  5. People prepare for the worst but hope for the best. 人们总是做着最坏的打算,但仍然期望着最美好的结局。——2020.12.05
  6. I will always  be with you. 我永远都会陪伴你。——2020.12.06
  7. Never wasting an hour, never letting one moment go cold. 不要虚度光阴,即使是一瞬,也要用力把握。——2020.12.07
  8. Solitude allowed me to think about important things. 独处能让我思考很多重要的事情。——2020.12.08
  9. You cannot count on anyone except yourself. 凡事靠自己,不能指望别人。——2020.12.09