[Environment Build] Win10下配置Apach Tomcat

  1. Download URL http://tomcat.apache.org/download-80.cgi

  2. Get Binary Distributions according to you PC configuration

  3. Setup environment

    3.1 First ensure the JDK environment is exist.

    3.2 Set a variable named TOMCAT_HOME and value is end to xxxapache-tomcat-7.0.26 in you system environment or user environment


    3.3 Start tomcat, run tomcat path/bin/startup.bat

    3.4 Enter http://localhost:8080

  4. Notice

    4.1 进入tomcat的bin目录下我们会发现这里有tomcat8w.exe,说明tomcat可以用窗体来进行管理,于是我们要初始化服务,打开命令行,执行service.bat install。当出现The service 'Tomcat8' has been installed.说明serrvice安装完毕,此时在你的服务中可以看到

4.2 双击tomcat8w.exe便可以进行tomcat web服务器的管理了
