Required Content Placeholders in SharePoint Masterpages

Name of Content Placeholder Description
PlaceHolderAdditionalPageHead Additional content that needs to be within the <head> tag of the page, for example, references to script in style sheets
PlaceHolderBodyAreaClass Additional body styles in the page header
PlaceHolderBodyLeftBorder Border element for the main page body
PlaceHolderBodyRightMargin Right margin of the main page body
PlaceHolderCalendarNavigator Shows a date picker for navigating in a calendar when a calendar is visible on the page
PlaceHolderFormDigest The “form digest” security control
PlaceHolderGlobalNavigation The global navigation breadcrumb
PlaceHolderHorizontalNav Top navigation menu for the page
PlaceHolderLeftActions Bottom of the left navigation area
PlaceHolderLeftNavBar Left navigation area
PlaceHolderLeftNavBarBorder Border element on the left navigation bar
PlaceHolderLeftNavBarDataSource Data source for the left navigation menu
PlaceHolderLeftNavBarTop Top of the left navigation area
PlaceHolderMain Page’s main content
PlaceHolderMiniConsole A place to show page-level commands, for example, WIKI commands such as Edit Page,History, and Incoming Links
PlaceHolderNavSpacer The width of the left navigation area
PlaceHolderPageDescription Description of the page contents
PlaceHolderPageImage Page icon in the upper left area of the page
PlaceHolderPageTitle The page <Title> that is shown in the browser’s title bar
PlaceHolderSearchArea Search box area
PlaceHolderSiteName Site name
PlaceHolderTitleAreaClass Additional styles in the page header
PlaceHolderTitleAreaSeparator Shows shadows for the title area
PlaceHolderTitleBreadcrumb Main content breadcrumb area
PlaceHolderTitleInTitleArea Page title shown immediately below the breadcrumb
PlaceHolderTitleLeftBorder Left border of the title area
PlaceHolderTitleRightMargin Right margin of the title area
PlaceHolderTopNavBar Top navigation area
PlaceHolderUtilityContent Extra content that needs to be at the bottom of the page
SPNavigation Empty by default in Windows SharePoint Services.  Can be used for additional page editing controls.
WSSDesignConsole The page editing controls when the page is inEdit Page mode (after clicking Site Actions, then Edit Page)