New Result Caching Functionality(Oracle缓存学习)

New Result Caching Functionality
     Oracle Database 11g introduces several new caching features that let you utilize memory more
efficiently, which results in faster query processing. There are actually two types of caching
features: the server result cache that caches SQL query results as well as PL//SQL function
results in the SGA and the OCI consistent client cache (client cache) that lets you cache query
results on the client. The client cache is especially useful when you’re using large-scale stateless
web applications driven by frameworks such as PHP. We’ll review the two types of caching
features in the following sections, starting with the server result cache.
       Oracle 11G引入了新的缓存机制,可以更加有效的去利用内存,它可以使查询处理变得更快,主要有两种类型的

Using the Server Result Cache to Enhance Performanc

The server result cache is a new concept of Oracle Database 11g that enables the database to
cache SQL query and PL/SQL function results in memory. The database serves the results for
frequently executed SQL queries and PL/SQL functions straight from the cache instead of
reexecuting the actual query or function all over again. You can imagine the dramatic savings
in resource usage (for example, IO) as well as the improved response times when you use cached
results. Both logical as well as physical IO waits are virtually eliminated since the database fetches
the necessary results from memory. The actual server result cache contains a SQL query result
cache and a PL/SQL function result cache, both of which share an identical infrastructure.
        服务器端的缓存是Oracle 11G的新特性,他允许数据库在内存中进行SQL查询和PL/SQL函数的结果集的缓存,
        All database sessions can share the cached results of a query, as long as they share execution
plans even partially. Oracle’s internal tests show that the server result cache leads to gains
as high as a 200 percent improvement in performance for workloads that are read-intensive.
In Oracle Database 11g, there is a new SGA component called result cache, which is actually
part of the shared pool in the SGA. By default, the server result cache uses a small part of
the shared pool, even when you don’t explicitly allocate memory for the cache. The default
maximum size depends on the size of the SGA as well as the memory management method
you’re using. However, to set the size for the result cache memory size, you use the result_
cache_max_size initialization parameter. If you’re manually managing the shared pool, make
sure you increase the shared pool size when you increase the result cache size, since the result
cache draws its memory from the shared pool. Once you set the result cache memory size, the
automatic shared memory management infrastructure will automatically manage the memory
you allocate for the server-side result cache.
           在Oracle 11g中,引入了一个新的SGA组件-结果集缓存,它实际上是SGA中共享池的一部分,默认的缓存
大小依赖于SGA的大小,也就是当前使用的内存管理的方式,可以使用参数 result_cache_max_size设置
The new PL/SQL package DBMS_RESULT_CACHE provides various procedures to administer the
result cache feature, including monitoring and managing the cache. The V$RESULT_CACHE_*
views let you determine the success of a cached SQL query or a PL/SQL function by determining
the cache-hit success of the query or function.
          In the following sections, you’ll learn how the two components of the server result cache—
the SQL query result cache and the PL/SQL result cache—work. You’ll also learn how to manage
the two types of caches, which together make up the server result cache.

SQL Query Result Cache

You can now cache the results of frequently executed SQL query results in the SQL query result
cache. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that extracting results from the cache
takes far less time than actually running the SQL query. You’ll see significant database-wide
performance improvements when you use the SQL query result cache.
Query result caching is ideal in the following circumstances:
1、 The query processes a large number of rows to yield just a handful of rows or even a
single row.
2、 The database executes the query frequently, with little or no changes in the data itself.
Thus, although technically speaking you can apply the SQL query result cache to any kind
of workload, data warehousing applications are the most common beneficiaries of the cache
注意:In an Oracle RAC environment, each of the nodes has its own result cache that can’t
be used by the other instances in the RAC.
The database automatically invalidates the cached results of a SQL query when there is a
change in the data that’s part of the query or a change in any of the objects that are part of the
Three new initialization parameters—result_cache_mode, result_cache_max_size, and
result_cache_max_result—are crucial in managing the server-side result cache. The initialization
parameter result_cache_mode determines whether and under what circumstance query
result caching will apply. The result_cache_max_size initialization parameter determines the
size of the result cache memory allocation. We’ll talk about the three result cache–related
initialization parameters in the following discussion.
You can control when the database uses the SQL query
       使用result_cache_mode, result_cache_max_size,result_cache_max_result这三个初始化参数管理数据
You can control when the database uses the SQL query result cache by setting the result_
cache_mode initialization parameter. If you turn caching on, a ResultCache operator is added to
the execution plan of the cached SQL query. The setting of the result_cache_mode parameter
determines when the optimizer will add the ResultCache operator to a query’s execution plan.
Here are the three possible values for the parameter。
1、The default value of this parameter is manual, which means the result cache operator will
be added (results cached) only if you use the new result_cache hint in the SQL query.
2、If you set the value to auto, the cost optimizer will determine when it should cache the
query results, based on factors such as the frequency of execution, the cost of execution,
and how frequently the database objects that are part of the query are changing.
3、If you set the value to force, the database caches the results of all SQL statements, as
long as it’s valid to cache the result. That is, the database will cache the results of all SQL
statements where it’s possible to do so.
下面是使用alter system 语句进行缓存参数的修改。
SQL> alter system set result_cache_mode = force
Note that the force option means the database will cache the results of all SQL statements.
By setting the result caching mode to manual, as shown here, you disable automatic query
caching by the database:
SQL> alter system set result_cache_mode = manual;
Once automatic query caching is disabled, you must use the result_cache hint in your
queries to enforce query result caching.
Note You can add the result_cache hint to SQL queries, subqueries, and inline views.
注意:可以为SQL语句,子查询和内嵌视图添加result_cache hint.
   The result_cache_mode parameter helps you enable the query result cache at the database
level. You can enable just session-level caching by setting the parameter using the alter session
statement. You can override the setting of the result_cache_mode initialization parameter by
specifying the new optimizer hints result_cache and no_result_cache in order to turn SQL
query caching on and off. The hints will override both the auto and force settings of the
result_cache_mode parameter.
If you set the result_cache_mode parameter to manual, you must then specify the result_
cache hint in a query so the database can cache the query results. The result_cache hint tells
the database to cache the current query’s results and to use those results for future executions
of the query or query fragment. If you set the result_cache_mode parameter to auto or force, on
the other hand, the database will try to cache the results of all the queries. If you don’t want
to cache the results of any query under these circumstances, you must specify the no_result_
cache hint in the query. The no_result_cache hint, like the result_cache hint, overrides the
value set for the result_cache_mode parameter.
结果集,result_cache hint(缓存暗示)告诉数据库缓存当前的查询结果集,并且在未来,对当前语句或者当前查询
no_result_cache hint和result_cache hint类似,都会覆盖默认的result_cache_mode的值.
  下面是如何在SQL查询语句中使用result_cache hint这个参数
SQL> select /*+ result_cache */
avg(income), region
from employees
group by region;
Although the result_cache_mode initialization parameter determines whether the database
caches the query results, the result_cache_max_size parameter determines the maximum
amount of the SGA that the database can allocate to the result cache. Note that the result cache
size you set by using this parameter applies to both components of the server-side result cache—
the SQL query result cache as well as the PL/SQL result cache.