
create table t(studentID char(10), [name] varchar(8),
startDate char(10) Check (isdate(startdate)=1 and cast(startdate as datetime)=convert(datetime,startdate,120)))
insert into t
select 'aa','bb','77799820'
union all select 'bb','ggg','2007-10-11'
union all select 'cc','ddd','2007-20-11'
select * from t
create table tbl ([name] varchar(8), chinese float, math float,zong float,px int)
insert tbl
select 'a', 80, 90,null,null
union all select 'b', 85, 88,null,null
union all select 'c', 77, 93,null,null
union all select 'd', 80, 90,null,null
union all select 'e', 99, 100,null,null
select *,zong=chinese + math,
px=(select count(1)+1 from tbl b where b.chinese + b.math >a.chinese + a.math )
from tbl a order by px,chinese

create proc mysql
update bb set zong=tt.zong,px=tt.px from tbl bb,
(SELECT name,zong , px=(SELECT COUNT(zong) FROM
select name,chinese,math,zong = chinese + math from tbl
) t
WHERE zong > a.zong or (zong = a.zong and chinese > a.chinese)) + 1
select name,chinese,math,zong = chinese + math from tbl
) a
) tt
exec mysql
select * from tbl

drop table tbl
drop proc mysql

create table tb(ID int,TEAM varchar(10),SCORE int,SCORE2 int,SCORE3 int)
insert into tb values(1, 'A ', 100 , 100 , 100)
insert into tb values(2, 'A ', 90 , 100 , 100)
insert into tb values(3, 'B ', 50 , 40 , 30 )
insert into tb values(4, 'B ', 50 , 40 , 30)
insert into tb values(5, 'A ', 90 , 100 , 80)
insert into tb values(6, 'B ', 55 , 50 , 50)
insert into tb values(7, 'A ', 90 , 100 , 50)

select *,px=(select count(1)+1 from tb
where and (score >a.score)
or (score = a.score and score2 >a.score2)
or (score = a.score and score2=a.score2 and score3 >a.score3)
or (score = a.score and score2=a.score2 and score3=a.score3 and id <
from tb a order by team

drop table tb
