
WQL就是英文WMI Query Language的缩写,就是说wmic这个命令支持简单的一些SQL查询,我们以实例来讲解他的部分用法,这个命令过于强大,因此以下只是该命令的冰山一角。


C:>wmic nicconfig list brief
DefaultIPGateway Description DHCPEnabled DNSDomain Index IPAddress ServiceName
Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter TRUE 0 kdnic
{""} Intel(R) Wireless-N 7265 TRUE 1 {""} Netwtw04
Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM TRUE 2 e1iexpress
Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter TRUE 3 vwifimp
Microsoft ISATAP Adapter FALSE 4 tunnel
Microsoft Teredo Tunneling Adapter FALSE 5 tunnel
Bluetooth Device (RFCOMM Protocol TDI) FALSE 6 RFCOMM
Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) TRUE 7 BthPan
TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 TRUE 8 {""} tap0901
TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 TRUE 10 tap0901
Microsoft ISATAP Adapter FALSE 11 tunnel
Microsoft 6to4 Adapter FALSE 12 tunnel
VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 FALSE 13 {""} VMnetAdapter
Microsoft ISATAP Adapter FALSE 14 tunnel
VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 FALSE 15 {""} VMnetAdapter
Microsoft ISATAP Adapter FALSE 16 tunnel
Microsoft ISATAP Adapter FALSE 17 tunnel


C:>wmic nicconfig where DHCPEnabled='TRUE' list brief
DefaultIPGateway Description DHCPEnabled DNSDomain Index IPAddress ServiceName
Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter TRUE 0 kdnic
{""} Intel(R) Wireless-N 7265 TRUE 1 {""} Netwtw04
Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM TRUE 2 e1iexpress
Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter TRUE 3 vwifimp
Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network) TRUE 7 BthPan
TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 TRUE 8 {""} tap0901
TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 TRUE 10 tap0901


C:>wmic nicconfig where (DHCPEnabled='TRUE' and IPEnabled='TRUE') list brief
DefaultIPGateway Description DHCPEnabled DNSDomain Index IPAddress ServiceName
{""} Intel(R) Wireless-N 7265 TRUE 1 {""} Netwtw04
TAP-Win32 Adapter V9 TRUE 8 {""} tap0901


C:>wmic nicconfig where (DHCPEnabled='TRUE' and IPEnabled='TRUE' and not Description like '%win32%') list brief
DefaultIPGateway Description DHCPEnabled DNSDomain Index IPAddress ServiceName
{""} Intel(R) Wireless-N 7265 TRUE 1 {""} Netwtw04


C:>wmic nicconfig where (DHCPEnabled='TRUE' and IPEnabled='TRUE' and not Description like '%win32%') get IPAddress,DefaultIPGateway
DefaultIPGateway IPAddress
{""} {""}


