
网上先是搜索到此篇文章: http://hi.baidu.com/xxai/blog/item/035f2bad22331d0b4a36d6ee.html

发现需要自己实现OnTerminate函数来捕获输出. OnTerminate会在应用程序执行完毕后被调用.

#include <wx/process.h>
class MyProcess : public wxProcess
MyProcess(): wxProcess()
Redirect(); //在构架函数里面直接设置输出重定向.

// instead of overriding this virtual function we might as well process the
// event from it in the frame class - this might be more convenient in some
// cases
virtual void OnTerminate(int pid, int status);

void MyProcess::OnTerminate(int pid, int status)
#define READ_LEN 256

if ( IsInputAvailable() )
wxInputStream * ResultStream = GetInputStream();

if( ResultStream != NULL )
wxString result = _("");
char read_buffer[READ_LEN];

while( 1 )
ResultStream->Read(read_buffer,READ_LEN-1); /**< 最后至少要留空一个字节用于放置 \0 */
size_t byte_read = ResultStream->LastRead();
if( byte_read == 0 )
read_buffer[byte_read] = '\0'; /**< 在最后插入一个字符结束符 */
result += wxString(read_buffer, wxCSConv(wxT("gb2312"))); /**< 编码转换 */
/**< 向文本框输出字符 */

if ( IsErrorAvailable() )
terminal->AppendText(_("---- error ----\r\n"));
wxInputStream * ResultStream = GetErrorStream();

if( ResultStream != NULL )
wxString result = _("");
char read_buffer[READ_LEN];

while( 1 )
ResultStream->Read(read_buffer,READ_LEN-1); /**< 最后至少要留空一个字节用于放置 \0 */
size_t byte_read = ResultStream->LastRead();
if( byte_read == 0 )
read_buffer[byte_read] = '\0'; /**< 在最后插入一个字符结束符 */
result += wxString(read_buffer, wxCSConv(wxT("gb2312"))); /**< 编码转换 */
/**< 向文本框输出字符 */

MyProcess * pMyProcess = new MyProcess();
wxString cmd = _("cmd /c ver ");
wxExecute(cmd,wxEXEC_ASYNC,pMyProcess); // 启动外部程序