


 1. Write down what is most important to you in your life.

  2. Create a schedule every Sunday evening for the upcoming week.

Put all of this in your calendar. It’s important that you have a set time frame for tasks like going to the grocery store or getting something done for work. We tend to get distracted, so having a set time frame for each will help you stay focused. Understand that things will pop up unexpectedly.

6. At the end of each day, reflect on what you enjoyed doing. This will help you be grateful of each day and ultimately live a more fulfilling life.

For you to be successful at work, you must be focused on the current task. For you to be successful as a spouse, you must be focused on being a loving and supporting spouse.
  要想在工作上成功,你必须把注意力集中在当前的工作上。要想做个成功的爱人, 你必须把注意力集中在变成一个充满爱心和支持的爱人上。

What are your values and beliefs in life? Live life in alignment with these. Schedule your week around what you most value.
  你生活的价值观和信仰是什么?去过和这些价值观和信仰相符的生活。围绕着你最珍视的事情来对你的一 周进行安排。

