ActiveMQ queue 分页

分页:即获取部分数据,queue按页从message cursor读取消息,然后分发给consumer。


public abstract class BaseDestination implements Destination {
     * The maximum number of messages to page in to the destination from
     * persistent storage
    public static final int MAX_PAGE_SIZE = 200;


public class Queue extends BaseDestination implements Task, UsageListener {
    // message cursor,可视为消息的数据源
    protected PendingMessageCursor messages;
    // 所有的分页消息
    private final PendingList pagedInMessages = new OrderedPendingList();
    // 剩余的没有dispatch的分页消息
    protected PendingList pagedInPendingDispatch = new OrderedPendingList();


protected void pageInMessages(boolean force) throws Exception {
    doDispatch(doPageInForDispatch(force, true));
  1 private PendingList doPageInForDispatch(boolean force, boolean processExpired) throws Exception {
  2     List<QueueMessageReference> result = null;
  3     PendingList resultList = null;
  5     // 根据maxPageSize和message cursor中的大小,决定需要读取的消息数量
  6     int toPageIn = Math.min(getMaxPageSize(), messages.size());
  7     int pagedInPendingSize = 0;
  8     pagedInPendingDispatchLock.readLock().lock();
  9     try {
 10         pagedInPendingSize = pagedInPendingDispatch.size();
 11     } finally {
 12         pagedInPendingDispatchLock.readLock().unlock();
 13     }
 15     LOG.debug("{} toPageIn: {}, Inflight: {}, pagedInMessages.size {}, pagedInPendingDispatch.size {}, enqueueCount: {}, dequeueCount: {}, memUsage:{}",
 16             new Object[]{
 17                     destination.getPhysicalName(),
 18                     toPageIn,
 19                     destinationStatistics.getInflight().getCount(),
 20                     pagedInMessages.size(),
 21                     pagedInPendingSize,
 22                     destinationStatistics.getEnqueues().getCount(),
 23                     destinationStatistics.getDequeues().getCount(),
 24                     getMemoryUsage().getUsage()
 25             });
 26     if (isLazyDispatch() && !force) {
 27         // Only page in the minimum number of messages which can be
 28         // dispatched immediately.
 29         toPageIn = Math.min(getConsumerMessageCountBeforeFull(), toPageIn);
 30     }
 31     if (toPageIn > 0 && (force || (!consumers.isEmpty() && pagedInPendingSize < getMaxPageSize()))) {
 32         int count = 0;
 33         result = new ArrayList<QueueMessageReference>(toPageIn);
 34         messagesLock.writeLock().lock();
 35         try {
 36             try {
 37                 messages.setMaxBatchSize(toPageIn);
 38                 messages.reset();
 39                 while (messages.hasNext() && count < toPageIn) {
 40                     MessageReference node =;
 41                     messages.remove();
 43                     QueueMessageReference ref = createMessageReference(node.getMessage());
 44                     if (processExpired && ref.isExpired()) {
 45                         if (broker.isExpired(ref)) {
 46                             messageExpired(createConnectionContext(), ref);
 47                         } else {
 48                             ref.decrementReferenceCount();
 49                         }
 50                     } else {
 51                         // 添加QueueMessageReference到result中
 52                         result.add(ref);
 53                         count++;
 54                     }
 55                 }
 56             } finally {
 57                 messages.release();
 58             }
 59         } finally {
 60             messagesLock.writeLock().unlock();
 61         }
 62         // Only add new messages, not already pagedIn to avoid multiple
 63         // dispatch attempts
 64         pagedInMessagesLock.writeLock().lock();
 65         try {
 66             if(isPrioritizedMessages()) {
 67                 resultList = new PrioritizedPendingList();
 68             } else {
 69                 resultList = new OrderedPendingList();
 70             }
 71             for (QueueMessageReference ref : result) {
 72                 if (!pagedInMessages.contains(ref)) {
 73                     //分别添加QueueMessageReference到 pagedInMessages 和 resultList
 74                     //resultList作为返回值,直接传递给doDispatch(PendingList list),
 75                     //在doDispatch中,分发给消费者后,就会从 resultList 中删除,
 76                     pagedInMessages.addMessageLast(ref);
 77                     resultList.addMessageLast(ref);
 78                 } else {
 79                     ref.decrementReferenceCount();
 80                     // store should have trapped duplicate in it's index, also cursor audit
 81                     // we need to remove the duplicate from the store in the knowledge that the original message may be inflight
 82                     // note: jdbc store will not trap unacked messages as a duplicate b/c it gives each message a unique sequence id
 83                     LOG.warn("{}, duplicate message {} paged in, is cursor audit disabled? Removing from store and redirecting to dlq", this, ref.getMessage());
 84                     if (store != null) {
 85                         ConnectionContext connectionContext = createConnectionContext();
 86                         store.removeMessage(connectionContext, new MessageAck(ref.getMessage(), MessageAck.POSION_ACK_TYPE, 1));
 87                         broker.getRoot().sendToDeadLetterQueue(connectionContext, ref.getMessage(), null, new Throwable("duplicate paged in from store for " + destination));
 88                     }
 89                 }
 90             }
 91         } finally {
 92             pagedInMessagesLock.writeLock().unlock();
 93         }
 94     } else {
 95         // Avoid return null list, if condition is not validated
 96         resultList = new OrderedPendingList();
 97     }
 99     return resultList;
100 }
102 //分发消息
103 private void doDispatch(PendingList list) throws Exception {
104     boolean doWakeUp = false;
106     pagedInPendingDispatchLock.writeLock().lock();
107     try {
108         //存在需要重新发送的消息
109         if (!redeliveredWaitingDispatch.isEmpty()) {
110             // Try first to dispatch redelivered messages to keep an
111             // proper order
112             redeliveredWaitingDispatch = doActualDispatch(redeliveredWaitingDispatch);
113         }
114         //存在没有分发的分页消息
115         if (!pagedInPendingDispatch.isEmpty()) {
116             // Next dispatch anything that had not been
117             // dispatched before.
118             pagedInPendingDispatch = doActualDispatch(pagedInPendingDispatch);
119         }
120         // and now see if we can dispatch the new stuff.. and append to
121         // the pending
122         // list anything that does not actually get dispatched.
123         if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
124             if (pagedInPendingDispatch.isEmpty()) {
125                 //doActualDispatch进行实际的分发消息:
126                 //分发给消费者的消息,会从list中删除,list中保存剩下的消息,doActualDispatch返回list
127                 pagedInPendingDispatch.addAll(doActualDispatch(list));
128             } else {
129                 for (MessageReference qmr : list) {
130                     if (!pagedInPendingDispatch.contains(qmr)) {
131                         pagedInPendingDispatch.addMessageLast(qmr);
132                     }
133                 }
134                 doWakeUp = true;
135             }
136         }
137     } finally {
138         pagedInPendingDispatchLock.writeLock().unlock();
139     }
141     if (doWakeUp) {
142         // avoid lock order contention
143         asyncWakeup();
144     }
145 }
147 // 实际分发消息
148 private PendingList doActualDispatch(PendingList list) throws Exception {
149     List<Subscription> consumers;
150     consumersLock.writeLock().lock();
152     try {
153         if (this.consumers.isEmpty()) {
154             // slave dispatch happens in processDispatchNotification
155             return list;
156         }
157         consumers = new ArrayList<Subscription>(this.consumers);
158     } finally {
159         consumersLock.writeLock().unlock();
160     }
162     Set<Subscription> fullConsumers = new HashSet<Subscription>(this.consumers.size());
164     for (Iterator<MessageReference> iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
166         MessageReference node =;
167         Subscription target = null;
168         for (Subscription s : consumers) {
169             if (s instanceof QueueBrowserSubscription) {
170                 continue;
171             }
172             if (!fullConsumers.contains(s)) {
173                 if (!s.isFull()) {
174                     if (dispatchSelector.canSelect(s, node) && assignMessageGroup(s, (QueueMessageReference)node) && !((QueueMessageReference) node).isAcked() ) {
175                         // Dispatch it.
176                         s.add(node);
177                         LOG.trace("assigned {} to consumer {}", node.getMessageId(), s.getConsumerInfo().getConsumerId());
178                         //从list中删除
179                         iterator.remove();
180                         target = s;
181                         break;
182                     }
183                 } else {
184                     // no further dispatch of list to a full consumer to
185                     // avoid out of order message receipt
186                     fullConsumers.add(s);
187                     LOG.trace("Subscription full {}", s);
188                 }
189             }
190         }
192         if (target == null && node.isDropped()) {
193             iterator.remove();
194         }
196         // return if there are no consumers or all consumers are full
197         if (target == null && consumers.size() == fullConsumers.size()) {
198             return list;
199         }
201         // If it got dispatched, rotate the consumer list to get round robin
202         // distribution.
203         if (target != null && !strictOrderDispatch && consumers.size() > 1
204                 && !dispatchSelector.isExclusiveConsumer(target)) {
205             consumersLock.writeLock().lock();
206             try {
207                 if (removeFromConsumerList(target)) {
208                     addToConsumerList(target);
209                     consumers = new ArrayList<Subscription>(this.consumers);
210                 }
211             } finally {
212                 consumersLock.writeLock().unlock();
213             }
214         }
215     }
217     return list;
218 }

