Sales force basic course


Salesforce is a hugely popular and powerful customer relationship management (CRM) platform that gives marketers the tools they need to put their customers first. Salesforce provides a variety of tools for managing marketing workflows, including digital marketing and paid advertising. This course explores how to enable and utilize these features. Discover how to leverage this platform to communicate with your sales teams; tackle email marketing; connect with prospects and customers using social media; manage the lead life cycle within a Salesforce account; track vendor expenses; visualize marketing project success

Support Center:

go to the help site for the Salesforce '

1/. Market Event Assignment ;

Create a advertisement then assign the owner;

2/.software license sales inventory

3/. edit the market events to link with your team members

4/. record your recently activites ;

5/. Extend your Salesforce tools by App Plug-in to reinforce your system 

6/.capture lead from social media 

attract potential customer to registed your system or company website to become your customer.

7/. social media system link:

8/.Coach your employee about your company brand for loyalty 

9. influence your employees about the brand vision, value & mission 

10. the employees will as the broadcast for the company brand.

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