
Regular Expression Basics
. Any character except newline
a The character a
ab The string ab
a|b a or b
a* 0 or more a's
Escapes a special character
Regular Expression Quantifiers
* 0 or more
+ 1 or more
? 0 or 1
{2} Exactly 2
{2, 5} Between 2 and 5
{2,} 2 or more
Default is greedy. Append ? for reluctant.
Regular Expression Groups
(...) Capturing group
(?:...) Non-capturing group
Y Match the Y'th captured group
Regular Expression Character Classes
[ab-d] One character of: a, b, c, d
[^ab-d] One character except: a, b, c, d
[] Backspace character
d One digit
D One non-digit
s One whitespace
S One non-whitespace
w One word character
W One non-word character
Regular Expression Assertions
^ Start of string
$ End of string
 Word boundary
B Non-word boundary
(?=...) Positive lookahead
(?!...) Negative lookahead
Regular Expression Flags
g Global Match
i Ignore case
m ^ and $ match start and end of line
Regular Expression Special Characters
Carriage return
Null character
YYY Octal character YYY
xYY Hexadecimal character YY
uYYYY Hexadecimal character YYYY
cY Control character Y
Regular Expression Replacement
$$ Inserts $
$& Insert entire match
$` Insert preceding string
$' Insert following string
$Y Insert Y'th captured group
