Codeforces Round #713 (Div. 3) Person Editorial


1512A - Spy Detected!


复制数组然后比较 (a_1)

int main() {
    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(0);
    int _;
    for (cin >> _; _--;) {
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        vector<int> v(n);
        for (int &e : v) {
            cin >> e;
        vector<int> a = v;
        sort(a.begin(), a.end());
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (v[i] != a[1]) {
                cout << i + 1 << "
    return 0;

1512B - Almost Rectangle

题意:给定 (n imes n).* 坐标图,* 仅两个找到对称位置使 4 个 * 构成矩阵

分别考虑 同行、同列、不同行同列

struct node {
    int x, y;
int main() {
    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(0);
    int _;
    for (cin >> _; _--;) {
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        vector<string> a(n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) cin >> a[i];
        vector<node> star;
        bool f = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < n && !f; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < n && !f; ++j) {
                if (a[i][j] == '*') {
                    star.push_back({i, j});
                if (star.size() == 2) f = true;
        // 同行
        if (star[0].x == star[1].x) {
            if (star[0].x + 1 < n) {
                a[star[0].x + 1][star[0].y] = '*';
                a[star[1].x + 1][star[1].y] = '*';
            } else {
                a[star[0].x - 1][star[0].y] = '*';
                a[star[1].x - 1][star[1].y] = '*';
        } else if (star[0].y == star[1].y) { // 同列
            if (star[0].y + 1 < n) {
                a[star[0].x][star[0].y + 1] = '*';
                a[star[1].x][star[1].y + 1] = '*';
            } else {
                a[star[0].x][star[0].y - 1] = '*';
                a[star[1].x][star[1].y - 1] = '*';
        } else {
            a[star[0].x][star[1].y] = '*';
            a[star[1].x][star[0].y] = '*';

        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            cout << a[i] << "
    return 0;

1512C - A-B Palindrome

题意:是否能把字符串中的 ? 替换为 10 使得字符串为回文串。

注意点:长度为奇数时,如果中点是 ? 则提前处理掉

AC 代码:

string solve() {
    int a, b;
    string s;
    cin >> a >> b >> s;
    int n = a + b;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
        if (s[i] == '1' && s[n - 1 - i] == '0')
            return "-1";
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
        if (s[i] == '?')
            s[i] = s[n - 1 - i];
    if (n % 2 && s[n / 2] == '?')
        if (a % 2)
            s[n / 2] = '0';
            s[n / 2] = '1';
    for (char c : s)
        if (c == '0')
        else if (c == '1')
    if (a % 2 || b % 2 || a < 0 || b < 0)
        return "-1";
    for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
        if (s[i] == '?')
            if (a)
                s[i] = s[n - 1 - i] = '0', a -= 2;
                s[i] = s[n - 1 - i] = '1', b -= 2;
    return s;
int main() {
    ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false), cin.tie(0);
    int _;
    for (cin >> _; _--;) {
        cout << solve() << "
    return 0;

1512D - Corrupted Array

(b) 中所有元素的总和是多少? 这是 (a + x) 中所有元素之和的两倍。
(B) 表示 (b) 的所有元素的总和。 让我们迭代添加哪些数组元素作为元素 (a) 的总和(以 (a) 表示)。 然后,(x = B-2⋅A)。 剩下的要检查的是元素 (x) 是否存在于数组 (b)


using ll = long long;
void solve() {
    int n;
    cin >> n;
    vector<ll> b(n + 2);
    for (int i = 0; i < n + 2; i++)
        cin >> b[i];
    sort(b.begin(), b.end());
    ll sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        sum += b[i];
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        if (sum - b[i] == b.back() || sum - b[i] == b[i]) {
            for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) {
                if (j != i)
                    cout << b[j] << " ";
            cout << "
    cout << "-1

The desire of his soul is the prophecy of his fate
