

安装git gcc g++
安装mpich   mpich安装教程
安装cmake   #ROSS 使用cmake编译

  1. 下载并解压得文件夹ROSS-master
  2. 在编译之前,需要安装几个包
    sudo apt-get install doxygen
    sudo apt-get install graphviz


  3. 新建ross-build文件夹
    mkdir ross-build

  4. 进入ross-build文件夹,编译ROSS
    cd ross-build
  5. 执行命令
  6. 进入ross-build/models/文件夹,由于ROSS中自带一个小仿真示例phold,因此编译后有一个phold文件夹,里面有示例的可执行文件

  7. 执行以下命令安装
    sudo make install
    wei@ubuntu:~/Experiment/ROSS/ross-build$ sudo make install [sudo] password for wei: [ 88%] Built target ROSS [ 94%] Built target phold_test [100%] Built target phold Install the project... -- Install configuration: "" -- Installing: /usr/local/bin/ross-config -- Installing: /usr/local/include/config.h -- Up-to-date: /usr/local/include -- Installing: /usr/local/include/hash-quadratic.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/ross-types.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/tw-eventq.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/cmake -- Installing: /usr/local/include/instrumentation -- Installing: /usr/local/include/instrumentation/ross-lps -- Installing: /usr/local/include/instrumentation/ross-lps/analysis-lp.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/instrumentation/st-instrumentation.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/ross-inline.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/ross-random.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/queue -- Installing: /usr/local/include/queue/tw-queue.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/ross.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/ross-extern.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/buddy.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/network-mpi.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/avl_tree.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/ross-kernel-inline.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/gvt -- Installing: /usr/local/include/gvt/mpi_allreduce.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/tw-opts.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/tw-timing.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/rand-clcg4.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/aarch64.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/ppc64le.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/ia64.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/ppc.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/i386.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/bgl.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/amd64.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/clock/bgq.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/ross-gvt.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/rio -- Installing: /usr/local/include/rio/io.h -- Installing: /usr/local/include/risa -- Installing: /usr/local/include/lz4.h -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libROSS.a -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/ROSS-targets.cmake -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/ROSS-targets-noconfig.cmake -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/ROSSConfig.cmake -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/ross.pc -- Installing: /usr/local/bin/phold
suang@Suang-PC:~/ross/ross-build/models/wifi$ sudo ./wifi
[sudo] suang 的密码: 

Mon Dec 10 16:50:37 2018


tw_net_start: Found world size to be 1 

ROSS Core Configuration: 
    Total Nodes                                                  1
    Total Processors                                   [Nodes (1) x PE_per_Node (1)] 1
    Total KPs                                          [Nodes (1) x KPs (16)] 16
    Total LPs                                                    8
    Simulation End Time                                  100000.00
    LP-to-PE Mapping                                        linear

ROSS Event Memory Allocation:
    Model events                                               125
    Network events                                              16
    Total events                                               140


GVT #0: simulation 1% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 1000.0962).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 2% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 2000.4051).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 3% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 3000.0585).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 4% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 4000.3256).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 5% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 5000.0213).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 6% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 6000.0707).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 7% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 7000.0323).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 8% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 8000.0494).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 9% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 9000.2333).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 10% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 10000.1372).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 11% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 11000.0290).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 12% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 12000.2154).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 13% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 13000.1736).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 14% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 14000.1232).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 15% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 15000.0390).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 16% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 16000.1374).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 17% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 17000.5183).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 18% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 18000.0038).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 19% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 19000.2315).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 20% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 20000.0264).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 21% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 21000.3946).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 22% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 22000.0033).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 23% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 23000.1237).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 24% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 24000.2685).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 25% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 25000.1103).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 26% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 26000.1966).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 27% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 27000.2675).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 28% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 28000.1820).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 29% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 29000.0163).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 30% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 30000.1591).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 31% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 31000.1583).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 32% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 32000.0610).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 33% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 33000.1511).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 34% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 34000.0042).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 35% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 35000.0206).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 36% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 36000.1189).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 37% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 37000.0366).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 38% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 38000.1218).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 39% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 39000.0318).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 40% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 40000.3313).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 41% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 41000.0872).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 42% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 42000.0348).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 43% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 43000.0212).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 44% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 44000.0468).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 45% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 45000.0369).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 46% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 46000.1923).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 47% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 47000.4953).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 48% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 48000.2416).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 49% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 49000.2224).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 50% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 50000.0624).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 51% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 51000.0855).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 52% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 52000.3024).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 53% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 53000.0489).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 54% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 54000.3475).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 55% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 55000.0670).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 56% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 56000.2891).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 57% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 57000.0279).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 58% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 58000.0093).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 59% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 59000.1050).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 60% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 60000.0675).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 61% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 61000.2059).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 62% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 62000.1262).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 63% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 63000.1914).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 64% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 64000.0650).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 65% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 65000.0662).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 66% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 66000.2696).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 67% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 67000.5576).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 68% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 68000.1615).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 69% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 69000.0314).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 70% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 70000.0277).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 71% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 71000.0134).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 72% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 72000.0383).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 73% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 73000.0005).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 74% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 74000.4647).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 75% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 75000.2984).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 76% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 76000.0145).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 77% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 77000.0706).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 78% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 78000.3715).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 79% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 79000.1613).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 80% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 80000.3776).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 81% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 81000.2426).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 82% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 82000.3880).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 83% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 83000.1023).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 84% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 84000.1727).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 85% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 85000.0687).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 86% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 86000.1371).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 87% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 87000.0317).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 88% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 88000.0129).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 89% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 89000.0214).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 90% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 90000.0014).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 91% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 91000.0680).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 92% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 92000.3160).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 93% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 93000.1190).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 94% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 94000.1758).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 95% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 95000.0055).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 96% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 96000.0239).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 97% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 97001.0282).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 98% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 98000.0179).
AVL tree size: 0
GVT #0: simulation 99% complete, max event queue size 64 (GVT = 99000.2030).
AVL tree size: 0

LP 0 had 4696 / 39957 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 0 had 14243 / 39954 failed Access Point to Station packets
LP 1 had 4688 / 39930 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 1 had 14242 / 39925 failed Access Point to Station packets
LP 2 had 4804 / 39905 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 2 had 14191 / 39901 failed Access Point to Station packets
LP 3 had 4763 / 40009 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 3 had 14238 / 40002 failed Access Point to Station packets
LP 4 had 4904 / 40114 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 4 had 14209 / 40112 failed Access Point to Station packets
LP 5 had 4702 / 39867 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 5 had 14180 / 39864 failed Access Point to Station packets
LP 6 had 4801 / 39972 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 6 had 14440 / 39968 failed Access Point to Station packets
LP 7 had 4609 / 40009 failed Station to Access Point packets
LP 7 had 14251 / 40006 failed Access Point to Station packets

    : Running Time = 0.6311 seconds

TW Library Statistics:
    Total Events Processed                                  639431
    Events Aborted (part of RBs)                                 0
    Events Rolled Back                                           0
    Event Ties Detected in PE Queues                             0
    Efficiency                                              100.00 %
    Total Remote (shared mem) Events Processed                   0
    Percent Remote Events                                     0.00 %
    Total Remote (network) Events Processed                      0
    Percent Remote Events                                     0.00 %

    Total Roll Backs                                             0
    Primary Roll Backs                                           0
    Secondary Roll Backs                                         0
    Fossil Collect Attempts                                      0
    Total GVT Computations                                       0

    Net Events Processed                                    639431
    Event Rate (events/sec)                              1013205.6
    Total Events Scheduled Past End Time                        64

TW Memory Statistics:
    Events Allocated                                           141
    Memory Allocated                                            82
    Memory Wasted                                              429

TW Data Structure sizes in bytes (sizeof):
    PE struct                                                  640
    KP struct                                                  144
    LP struct                                                  136
    LP Model struct                                            328
    LP RNGs                                                     80
    Total LP                                                   544
    Event struct                                               152
    Event struct with Model                                    160

TW Clock Cycle Statistics (MAX values in secs at 1.0000 GHz):
    Initialization                                          0.0044
    Priority Queue (enq/deq)                                0.3426
    AVL Tree (insert/delete)                                0.0000
    LZ4 (de)compression                                     0.0000
    Buddy system                                            0.0000
    Event Processing                                        0.0000
    Event Cancel                                            0.0000
    Event Abort                                             0.0000

    GVT                                                     0.0000
    Fossil Collect                                          0.0000
    Primary Rollbacks                                       0.0000
    Network Read                                            0.0000
    Other Network                                           0.0000
    Instrumentation (computation)                           0.0000
    Instrumentation (write)                                 0.0000
    Total Time (Note: Using Running Time above for Speedup)      2.1410

TW GVT Statistics: MPI AllReduce
    GVT Interval                                                16
    GVT Real Time Interval (cycles)                    0
    GVT Real Time Interval (sec)                        0.00000000
    Batch Size                                                  16

    Forced GVT                                                   0
    Total GVT Computations                                       0
    Total All Reduce Calls                                       0
    Average Reduction / GVT                                   -nan
