MInio python

# Install Minio library. # $ pip install minio # # Import Minio library. from minio import Minio # Initialize minioClient with an endpoint and access/secret keys. minioClient = Minio('', access_key='Q3AM3UQ867SPQQA43P2F', secret_key='zuf+tfteSlswRu7BJ86wekitnifILbZam1KYY3TG', secure=True) # Creates a bucket with name mybucket. try: minioClient.make_bucket("mybucket", location="us-east-1") except ResponseError as err: print(err) # Upload an object 'myobject.ogg' with contents from '/home/john/myfilepath.ogg'. try: minioClient.fput_object('mybucket', 'myobject.ogg', '/home/john/myfilepath.ogg') except ResponseError as err: print(err)