shell基础08 sed命令行编辑器(上)

        sed编辑器被称作流编辑器(stream editor),和普通的交互式文本编辑器恰好相反。在交互式文本编辑器中(eg:vim),你可以用键盘命令来交互式的插入、删除或替换数据中的文本。sed会在编辑器处理数据之前基于预先提供的一组规则来编辑数据流。


        (1) 一次从输入中读取一行数据。

        (2) 根据所提供的编辑器命令匹配数据。

        (3) 按照命令修改流中的数据。

        (4) 将新的数据输出到STDOUT。



        sed options script file

1. 在命令行定义编辑器命令

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 I love cat.
 3 I love cat.
 4 I love dog.
 5 I love dog.
 7 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 's/dog/cat/' data1.txt
 8 I love cat.
 9 I love cat.
10 I love cat.
11 I love cat.
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
13 I love cat.
14 I love cat.
15 I love dog.
16 I love dog.
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1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ echo "This is a dog" | sed 's/dog/cat/'
2 This is a cat
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2. 在命令行使用多个编辑器命令

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 I love cat.
 3 I love cat.
 4 I love dog.
 5 I love dog.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed -e 's/cat/dog/; s/dog/cat/' data1.txt
 7 I love cat.
 8 I love cat.
 9 I love cat.
10 I love cat.
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       Note: 执行多个命令时,采用-e参数,并且命令之间必须用分号隔开

3. 从文件中读取编辑器命令

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
 3 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
 4 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
 5 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat script1.sed
 7 s/brown/green/
 8 s/fox/elephant/
 9 s/dog/cat/
10 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed -f script1.sed data1.txt
11 The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
12 The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
13 The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
14 The quick green elephant jumps over the lazy cat.
15 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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4. 更多的替换选项







   (4)w file,将替换的结果写到文件中。

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data.txt
 2 This is a test of the test script.
 3 This is the second test of the test script.
 4 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 's/test/trail/' data.txt
 5 This is a trail of the test script.
 6 This is the second trail of the test script.
 7 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 's/test/trail/2' data.txt
 8 This is a test of the trail script.
 9 This is the second test of the trail script.
10 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 's/test/trail/g' data.txt
11 This is a trail of the trail script.
12 This is the second trail of the trail script.
13 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 's/test/trail/p' data.txt
14 This is a trail of the test script.
15 This is a trail of the test script.
16 This is the second trail of the test script.
17 This is the second trail of the test script.
18 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed -n 's/test/trail/p' data.txt
19 This is a trail of the test script.
20 This is the second trail of the test script.
21 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 's/test/trail/w test.txt' data.txt
22 This is a trail of the test script.
23 This is the second trail of the test script.
24 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test.txt
25 This is a trail of the test script.
26 This is the second trail of the test script.
27 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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      note: -n选项将禁止sed编辑器输出。但p替换标记会输出修改过的行。将二者配合使用的效果就是只输出被替换命令修改过的行。


1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat dat.txt
2 /a/b/c
3 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 's!/a/b/c!/e/f/g!' dat.txt
4 /e/f/g
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 5. 使用地址----行寻址

      默认情况下,在sed编辑器中使用的命令会作用与文本数据的所有行。如果只想将命令作用于特定行或某些行,则必须用行寻址。在sed编辑器中有两种形式的行寻址:以数字形式表示行区间;用文本模式来过滤出行   两种形式都使用相同的格式来指定地址:

      [address] command或者

      address {





 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data.txt
 2 I like yellow cat.
 3 I like yellow cat.
 4 I like yellow cat.
 5 I like yellow cat.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '3s/cat/dog/' data.txt
 7 I like yellow cat.
 8 I like yellow cat.
 9 I like yellow dog.
10 I like yellow cat.
11 #只作用在第三行
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '2,3s/cat/dog/' data.txt
13 I like yellow cat.
14 I like yellow dog.
15 I like yellow dog.
16 I like yellow cat.
17 #作用区间,第2到第3行
18 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '2,$s/cat/dog/' data.txt
19 I like yellow cat.
20 I like yellow dog.
21 I like yellow dog.
22 I like yellow dog.
23 #作用到从第2行开始的所有行
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         格式前必须有斜杠,即  /pattern/command

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ grep I data.txt
 2 I like yellow cat.
 3 I like yellow cat.
 4 I like yellow cat.
 5 I like yellow cat.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data.txt
 7 I like yellow cat.
 8 I like yellow cat.
 9 I like yellow cat.
10 I like yellow cat.
11 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '/I/s/cat/dog/' data.txt
12 I like yellow dog.
13 I like yellow dog.
14 I like yellow dog.
15 I like yellow dog.
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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data.txt
 2 I like yellow cat.
 3 I like yellow cat.
 4 I like yellow cat.
 5 I like yellow cat.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '2{
 7 > s/like/love/
 8 > s/cat/dog/
 9 > }' data.txt
10 I like yellow cat.
11 I love yellow dog.
12 I like yellow cat.
13 I like yellow cat.
14 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$
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1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '2,${
2 > s/like/love/
3 > s/cat/dog/
4 > }' data.txt
5 I like yellow cat.
6 I love yellow dog.
7 I love yellow dog.
8 I love yellow dog.
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6. 删除行


 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 this is 1 line.
 3 this is 2 line.
 4 this is 3 line.
 5 this is 4 line.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '2d' data1.txt
 7 this is 1 line.
 8 this is 3 line.
 9 this is 4 line.
10 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '1,3d' data1.txt
11 this is 4 line.
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 'd' data1.txt
13 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '2,$d' data1.txt
14 this is 1 line.
15 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '/is 2/d' data1.txt
16 this is 1 line.
17 this is 3 line.
18 this is 4 line.
19 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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7. 插入和附加文本




     sed '[address]command ew line'

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 this is 1 line.
 3 this is 2 line.
 4 this is 3 line.
 5 this is 4 line.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ echo "a" | sed 'i'
 7 b
 8 a
 9 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ echo "a" | sed 'a'
10 a
11 b
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '3ahaha' data1.txt
13 this is 1 line.
14 this is 2 line.
15 this is 3 line.
16 haha
17 this is 4 line.
18 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '$ahello' data1.txt
19 this is 1 line.
20 this is 2 line.
21 this is 3 line.
22 this is 4 line.
23 hello
24 #在最后一行后面添加
25 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '1i
26 > a
27 > b' data1.txt
28 a
29 b
30 this is 1 line.
31 this is 2 line.
32 this is 3 line.
33 this is 4 line.
34 #插入多行,需要反斜线分开
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 8. 修改行


 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 this is 1 line.
 3 this is 2 line.
 4 this is 3 line.
 5 this is 4 line.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '3chello' data1.txt
 7 this is 1 line.
 8 this is 2 line.
 9 hello
10 this is 4 line.
11 #指定行匹配
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '/3 line/chi' data1.txt
13 this is 1 line.
14 this is 2 line.
15 hi
16 this is 4 line.
17 #模式匹配
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9. 转换命令


     [address]y/inchars/outchars/   转换命令会对inchars和outchars值进行一对一的映射。inchars中的第一个字符会被转换为outchars中的第一个字符,第二个,第三个。。。如果Inchars和outchars的长度不同,则sed会报错。比如:

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 this is 1 line.
 3 this is 2 line.
 4 this is 3 line.
 5 this is 4 line.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed 'y/123/789/' data1.txt
 7 this is 7 line.
 8 this is 8 line.
 9 this is 9 line.
10 this is 4 line.
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1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ echo "This 2 is a test of 1 try" | sed 'y/123/456/'
2 This 5 is a test of 4 try
3 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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 10. sed的其它打印--------(暂时不管)






1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
2 this is 1 line.
3 this is 2 line.
4 this is 3 line.
5 this is 4 line.
6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed -n '2,3p' data1.txt
7 this is 2 line.
8 this is 3 line.
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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 this is 1 line.
 3 this is 2 line.
 4 this is 3 line.
 5 this is 4 line.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '=' data1.txt
 7 1
 8 this is 1 line.
 9 2
10 this is 2 line.
11 3
12 this is 3 line.
13 4
14 this is 4 line.
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11. 使用sed处理文件



         [address]w filename


 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 this is 1 line.
 3 this is 2 line.
 4 this is 3 line.
 5 this is 4 line.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '1,2w test.txt' data1.txt
 7 this is 1 line.
 8 this is 2 line.
 9 this is 3 line.
10 this is 4 line.
11 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test.txt
12 this is 1 line.
13 this is 2 line.
14 #将前两行的内容写到另外一个文件中去。如果不想然sed输出到STDOUT,可以添加-n选项
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1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data11.txt
2 Zhang,San            A
3 Li,Si                B
4 Wang,San             B
5 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed -n '/B/w h.txt' data11.txt
6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat h.txt
7 Li,Si                B
8 Wang,San             B
9 #模式匹配
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        [address]r filename      sed会将文件中的文本插入到指定地址后。

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data11.txt
 2 Zhang,San            A
 3 Li,Si                B
 4 Wang,San             B
 5 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 6 this is 1 line.
 7 this is 2 line.
 8 this is 3 line.
 9 this is 4 line.
10 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '3r data11.txt' data1.txt
11 this is 1 line.
12 this is 2 line.
13 this is 3 line.
14 Zhang,San            A
15 Li,Si                B
16 Wang,San             B
17 this is 4 line.
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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data11.txt
 2 Zhang,San            A
 3 Li,Si                B
 4 Wang,San             B
 5 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 6 this is 1 line.
 7 this is 2 line.
 8 this is 3 line.
 9 this is 4 line.
11 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '/2 line/r data11.txt' data1.txt
12 this is 1 line.
13 this is 2 line.
14 Zhang,San            A
15 Li,Si                B
16 Wang,San             B
17 this is 3 line.
18 this is 4 line.
19 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data1.txt
 2 this is 1 line.
 3 this is 2 line.
 4 this is 3 line.
 5 this is 4 line.
 6 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat data11.txt
 7 Zhang,San            A
 8 Li,Si                B
 9 Wang,San             B
10 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ sed '$r data11.txt' data1.txt
11 this is 1 line.
12 this is 2 line.
13 this is 3 line.
14 this is 4 line.
15 Zhang,San            A
16 Li,Si                B
17 Wang,San             B
18 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 
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Linux命令行与shell脚本编程大全(第3版)[美] 布鲁姆Richard Blum),布雷斯纳汉Christine Bresnahan) 著,门佳武海峰 译
