[C/C++ 书籍合集]C/C++ eBooks Collection (updating...)

C++ Primer, 4th.chm

Accelerated C++.chm

  Essential C++.chm

  Thinking in C++ Vol 1 & 2 - 2nd Ed

The C++ Programming Language Special 3rd Edition.pdf

C++ In A Nutshell(O'reilly, 2003).chm

C++ Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2005).chm

  C++ Templates - The Complete Guide.chm

Modern C++ Design, Generic Programming and Design

(《Modern C++ Design》,最重要的5本C++著作之一,作者Andrei Alexandrescu。Addison-Wesley2001年版。设计模板的初衷是实现类型的容器(“containers of T”),但它能做的远不仅仅这点。实际上,在Alexandrescu的书出现之前,1998版C++标准的STL部分要求的模板实现就远远超出“类型的 容器”。但《Modern C++ Design》的出现,才真正为C++技术界打破了模板的牢笼。此书影响深远,堪称新旧两代C++程序设计的分水岭;此后,“modern C++”一般都被用来专指采用了因此书而普及的模板技术的代码。)

  Beyond the C++ Standard Library An Introduction to Boost.chm

  Design Patterns Elements Of Reusable Object Oriented Software (1995 Gamma Helm Johnson Vlissides).chm 

  C++ Network Programming Vol 1

  C++ Network Programming Vol 2

C++ for Artists

  Exceptional C++

  More Exceptional C++

  Exceptional C++ Style - 40 New Engineering Puzzles

  Inside the C++ Object Model

  Effective C++ Third Edition 55 Specific Ways to Improve

  An Introduction to Design Patterns in C++ with Qt4 


  C++ GUI Programming with QT 4, 2nd Edition(2008).chm

The Book of Qt 4 - The Art of Building Qt Applications (No  Starch Press, 2007).pdf

[2005最新C++经典著作] C++ Template Metaprogramming 

ISO C++ Standard (ISO14882) 2003.pdf

ISO IEC 9899-1999 C99 Language Standard.pdf

  C In A Nutshell Dec 2005(Oreilly).chm

C Primer Plus 5th Edition.chm

Practical C Programming 3rdEd.chm

  The C Programming Language (2nd Edition

  Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets.pdf 

C++ Plus Data Structures Third Edition.chm


