第5章 技巧性基础:5.3 this->的使用

5.3 Using this->

5.3 this->的使用

For class templates with base classes that depend on template parameters, using a name x by itself is not always equivalent to this->x, even though a member x is inherited. For example:


template<typename T>
class Base {
    void bar();

template<typename T>
class Derived : Base<T> {
    void foo() {
        bar(); // 调用外部的bar()或者出错

In this example, for resolving the symbol bar inside foo(), bar() defined in Base is never considered. Therefore, either you have an error, or another bar() (such as a global bar()) is called.


We discuss this issue in Section 13.4.2 on page 237 in detail. For the moment, as a rule of thumb, we recommend that you always qualify any symbol that is declared in a base that is somehow dependent on a template parameter with this-> or Base<T>::.

