求助:Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite (简体中文)解压缩出错问题

            我用了一天时间好不容易下载下Visual Studio Team System 2008 Team Suite 中文版本,在用part1生成ISO文件时,到了part6卷时老是报告,the disk if full ,我用eventvwr.msc查看下报了如下信息:各位高手帮帮我,出错在哪儿了呀,我的c还有9G空间,难道都不够用吗,晕~~~~~~~~~~这个简体中文到底怎末装,麻烦说下,谢了!!!

Checking file system on C:
The type of the file system is FAT32.

One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You
may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue.
Windows will now check the disk.                        
Volume Serial Number is A40C-E73A
The size of the \WINDOWS\Temp\PR3.tmp entry is not valid.
The size of the \WINDOWS\Temp\PRA.tmp entry is not valid.
Windows has made corrections to the file system.
     12277680 KB total disk space.
       673144 KB in 505 hidden files.
        13488 KB in 1594 folders.
      3156280 KB in 17675 files.
      8434760 KB are available.

         8192 bytes in each allocation unit.
      1534710 total allocation units on disk.
      1054345 allocation units available on disk.
