
如何最快速度删除? " <script src=http://3b3.org/c.js> </script> " --------------------------------------------------------------- 进入SQL查询分析器 选择你的数据库 第一步:先sql表修改所有者为dbo EXEC sp_MSforeachtable 'exec sp_changeobjectowner ' '? ' ', ' 'dbo ' ' ' 第二步:统一删除字段被挂的js declare @delStr nvarchar(500) set @delStr= ' <script src=http://3b3.org/c.js> </script> ' set nocount on declare @tableName nvarchar(100),@columnName nvarchar(100),@tbID int,@iRow int,@iResult int declare @sql nvarchar(500) set @iResult=0 declare cur cursor for select name,id from sysobjects where xtype= 'U ' open cur fetch next from cur into @tableName,@tbID while @@fetch_status=0 begin declare cur1 cursor for --xtype in (231,167,239,175,35) 为char,varchar,nchar,nvarchar,text类型 select name from syscolumns where xtype in (231,167,239,175,35) and id=@tbID open cur1 fetch next from cur1 into @columnName while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @sql= 'update [ ' + @tableName + '] set [ '+ @columnName + ']= replace([ '+@columnName+ '], ' ' '+@delStr+ ' ' ', ' ' ' ') where [ '+@columnName+ '] like ' '% '+@delStr+ '% ' ' ' exec sp_executesql @sql set @iRow=@@rowcount set @iResult=@iResult+@iRow if @iRow> 0 begin print '表: '+@tableName+ ',列: '+@columnName+ '被更新 '+convert(varchar(10),@iRow)+ '条记录; ' end fetch next from cur1 into @columnName end close cur1 deallocate cur1 fetch next from cur into @tableName,@tbID end print '数据库共有 '+convert(varchar(10),@iResult)+ '条记录被更新!!! ' close cur deallocate cur set nocount off --------------------------------------------------------------- 彻底杜绝SQL注入 1.不要使用sa用户连接数据库 2、新建一个public权限数据库用户,并用这个用户访问数据库 3[角色]去掉角色public对sysobjects与syscolumns对象的select访问权限 4[用户]用户名称-> 右键-属性-权限-在sysobjects与syscolumns上面打“×” 5、通过以下代码检测(失败表示权限正确,如能显示出来则表明权限太高): DECLARE @T varchar(255), @C varchar(255) DECLARE Table_Cursor CURSOR FOR Select a.name,b.name from sysobjects a,syscolumns b where a.id=b.id and a.xtype= 'u ' and (b.xtype=99 or b.xtype=35 or b.xtype=231 or b.xtype=167) OPEN Table_Cursor FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T,@C WHILE(@@FETCH_STATUS=0) BEGIN print @c FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T,@C END CLOSE Table_Cursor DEALLOCATE Table_Cursor --------------------------------------------------------------- 本文来自CSDN博客,转载请标明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/htl258/archive/2009/04/03/4026169.aspx
