jvm源码解读--12 invokspecial指令的解读


package com.zyt.jvmbook;

public class Girl extends Person{
    public Girl() {
        int a;

    public void sayHello() {
        System.out.println("girl say hello");
    private void sayHi(){

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Person p = new Girl();

        Girl g=new Girl();



 0 new #6 <com/zyt/jvmbook/Girl>
 3 dup
 4 invokespecial #7 <com/zyt/jvmbook/Girl.<init>>
 7 astore_1
 8 aload_1
 9 invokevirtual #8 <com/zyt/jvmbook/Person.sayHello>
12 new #6 <com/zyt/jvmbook/Girl>
15 dup
16 invokespecial #7 <com/zyt/jvmbook/Girl.<init>>
19 astore_2
20 aload_2
21 invokevirtual #9 <com/zyt/jvmbook/Girl.sayHello>
24 aload_2
25 invokespecial #10 <com/zyt/jvmbook/Girl.sayHi>
28 return

看这个,对invoke孙ecial #7的解读

这个可真是费劲死了 弄了我两天,现在才搞清楚







invokespecial  183 invokespecial  [0x0000000002cf1da0, 0x0000000002cf2040]  672 bytes

0x0000000002cf1da0: push   %rax
0x0000000002cf1da1: jmpq   0x0000000002cf1dd0
0x0000000002cf1da6: sub    $0x8,%rsp
0x0000000002cf1daa: vmovss %xmm0,(%rsp)
0x0000000002cf1daf: jmpq   0x0000000002cf1dd0
0x0000000002cf1db4: sub    $0x10,%rsp
0x0000000002cf1db8: vmovsd %xmm0,(%rsp)
0x0000000002cf1dbd: jmpq   0x0000000002cf1dd0
0x0000000002cf1dc2: sub    $0x10,%rsp
0x0000000002cf1dc6: mov    %rax,(%rsp)
0x0000000002cf1dca: jmpq   0x0000000002cf1dd0

0x0000000002cf1dcf: push   %rax
//    void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index,
//                                                           int bcp_offset,
//                                                           size_t index_size) {
//        assert(bcp_offset > 0, "bcp is still pointing to start of bytecode");
//        if (index_size == sizeof(u2)) {
//            load_unsigned_short(index, Address(r13, bcp_offset));}
0x0000000002cf1dd0: mov    %r13,-0x38(%rbp) //bcp的地址
0x0000000002cf1dd4: movzwl 0x1(%r13),%edx
0x0000000002cf1dd9: mov    -0x28(%rbp),%rcx  将cache放到rcx
0x0000000002cf1ddd: shl    $0x2,%edx
//movl(bytecode, Address(cache, index, Address::times_ptr, ConstantPoolCache::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset()));
0x0000000002cf1de0: mov    0x10(%rcx,%rdx,8),%ebx 取得cache的_indices的, 0x10 + rcx + rdx*8
//  const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no) * BitsPerByte;

//  shrl(bytecode, shift_count);
0x0000000002cf1de4: shr    $0x10,%ebx
0x0000000002cf1de7: and    $0xff,%ebx
0x0000000002cf1ded: cmp    $0xb7,%ebx
0x0000000002cf1df3: je     0x0000000002cf1e9a
// 说明方法还没有连接,需要调用InterpreterRuntime::resolve_invoke()方法生成ConstantPoolCacheEntry。
0x0000000002cf1df9: mov    $0xb7,%ebx
0x0000000002cf1dfe: callq  0x0000000002cf1e08

0x0000000002cf1e03: jmpq   0x0000000002cf1e8e
0x0000000002cf1e08: mov    %rbx,%rdx
0x0000000002cf1e0b: lea    0x8(%rsp),%rax
0x0000000002cf1e10: mov    %r13,-0x38(%rbp)
0x0000000002cf1e14: mov    %r15,%rcx
0x0000000002cf1e17: mov    %rbp,0x1e8(%r15)
0x0000000002cf1e1e: mov    %rax,0x1d8(%r15)
0x0000000002cf1e25: sub    $0x20,%rsp
0x0000000002cf1e29: test   $0xf,%esp
0x0000000002cf1e2f: je     0x0000000002cf1e47
0x0000000002cf1e35: sub    $0x8,%rsp
0x0000000002cf1e39: callq  0x000000005449a3c0
0x0000000002cf1e3e: add    $0x8,%rsp
0x0000000002cf1e42: jmpq   0x0000000002cf1e4c
0x0000000002cf1e47: callq  0x000000005449a3c0
0x0000000002cf1e4c: add    $0x20,%rsp
0x0000000002cf1e50: movabs $0x0,%r10
0x0000000002cf1e5a: mov    %r10,0x1d8(%r15)
0x0000000002cf1e61: movabs $0x0,%r10
0x0000000002cf1e6b: mov    %r10,0x1e8(%r15)
0x0000000002cf1e72: cmpq   $0x0,0x8(%r15)
0x0000000002cf1e7a: je     0x0000000002cf1e85
0x0000000002cf1e80: jmpq   0x0000000002cd07e0
0x0000000002cf1e85: mov    -0x38(%rbp),%r13
0x0000000002cf1e89: mov    -0x30(%rbp),%r14
0x0000000002cf1e8d: retq
0x0000000002cf1e8e: movzwl 0x1(%r13),%edx
0x0000000002cf1e93: mov    -0x28(%rbp),%rcx
0x0000000002cf1e97: shl    $0x2,%edx

//__ movptr(method, Address(cache, index, Address::times_ptr, method_offset));
0x0000000002cf1e9a: mov    0x18(%rcx,%rdx,8),%rbx
//  __ movl(flags, Address(cache, index, Address::times_ptr, flags_offset));
0x0000000002cf1e9f: mov    0x28(%rcx,%rdx,8),%edx
//  if (load_receiver) {
//    __ movl(recv, flags);
0x0000000002cf1ea3: mov    %edx,%ecx
//    __ andl(recv, ConstantPoolCacheEntry::parameter_size_mask);
0x0000000002cf1ea5: and    $0xff,%ecx
//    __ movptr(recv, recv_addr);
0x0000000002cf1eab: mov    -0x8(%rsp,%rcx,8),%rcx //-0x8 + rsp+ 8*rcx  to rcx;
//  // compute return type
(gdb) p/x _invoke_return_entry
 $1 = {0x7f1a6d006e80, 0x7f1a6d006f50, 0x7f1a6d007020,
       0x7f1a6d0070f0, 0x7f1a6d0071c0, 0x7f1a6d007290,
       0x7f1a6d007360, 0x7f1a6d007430, 0x7f1a6d007500}
0x0000000002cf1eb0: shr    $0x1c,%edx
0x0000000002cf1eb3: movabs $0x54bcbba0,%r10  //_invoke_return_entry
0x0000000002cf1ebd: mov    (%r10,%rdx,8),%rdx  获取返回entry
//  __ push(flags);// push return address
0x0000000002cf1ec1: push   %rdx
0x0000000002cf1ec2: cmp    (%rcx),%rax //cache,
//    movptr(mdp, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_mdx_offset * wordSize));
//    testptr(mdp, mdp);
//  jcc(Assembler::zero, zero_continue);
0x0000000002cf1ec5: mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax   //methodData
0x0000000002cf1ec9: test   %rax,%rax
0x0000000002cf1ecc: je     0x0000000002cf1ee4
//    increment_mdp_data_at(mdp, in_bytes(CounterData::count_offset()));
//    // The method data pointer needs to be updated to reflect the new target.
//    update_mdp_by_constant(mdp, in_bytes(CounterData::counter_data_size()));
//    bind(profile_continue);
0x0000000002cf1ed2: addq   $0x1,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1ed7: sbbq   $0x0,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1edc: add    $0x10,%rax
0x0000000002cf1ee0: mov    %rax,-0x20(%rbp)

0x0000000002cf1ee4: mov    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
0x0000000002cf1ee8: test   %rax,%rax
0x0000000002cf1eeb: je     0x0000000002cf2020

0x0000000002cf1ef1: cmpb   $0xa,-0x10(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1ef5: jne    0x0000000002cf2020
0x0000000002cf1efb: add    $0x8,%rax
0x0000000002cf1eff: mov    -0x8(%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f03: sub    $0x0,%r13d
0x0000000002cf1f07: cmp    $0x2,%r13d
0x0000000002cf1f0b: jl     0x0000000002cf2015
0x0000000002cf1f11: mov    0x8(%rbx),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f15: movzwl 0x2a(%r13),%r13d
0x0000000002cf1f1a: sub    (%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f1d: sub    $0x1,%r13d
0x0000000002cf1f21: mov    0x8(%rsp,%r13,8),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f26: test   %r13,%r13
0x0000000002cf1f29: jne    0x0000000002cf1f35
0x0000000002cf1f2b: orq    $0x1,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1f33: jmp    0x0000000002cf1f82
0x0000000002cf1f35: mov    0x8(%r13),%r13d
0x0000000002cf1f39: shl    $0x3,%r13
0x0000000002cf1f3d: xor    0x8(%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f41: test   $0xfffffffffffffffc,%r13
0x0000000002cf1f48: je     0x0000000002cf1f82
0x0000000002cf1f4a: test   $0x2,%r13
0x0000000002cf1f51: jne    0x0000000002cf1f82
0x0000000002cf1f53: cmpq   $0x0,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1f5b: je     0x0000000002cf1f7e
0x0000000002cf1f5d: cmpq   $0x1,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1f65: je     0x0000000002cf1f7e
0x0000000002cf1f67: xor    0x8(%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f6b: test   $0xfffffffffffffffc,%r13
0x0000000002cf1f72: je     0x0000000002cf1f82
0x0000000002cf1f74: orq    $0x2,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1f7c: jmp    0x0000000002cf1f82
0x0000000002cf1f7e: mov    %r13,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1f82: add    $0x10,%rax
0x0000000002cf1f86: mov    -0x18(%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f8a: sub    $0x2,%r13d
0x0000000002cf1f8e: cmp    $0x2,%r13d
0x0000000002cf1f92: jl     0x0000000002cf2015
0x0000000002cf1f98: mov    0x8(%rbx),%r13
0x0000000002cf1f9c: movzwl 0x2a(%r13),%r13d
0x0000000002cf1fa1: sub    (%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1fa4: sub    $0x1,%r13d
0x0000000002cf1fa8: mov    0x8(%rsp,%r13,8),%r13
0x0000000002cf1fad: test   %r13,%r13
0x0000000002cf1fb0: jne    0x0000000002cf1fbc
0x0000000002cf1fb2: orq    $0x1,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1fba: jmp    0x0000000002cf2009
0x0000000002cf1fbc: mov    0x8(%r13),%r13d
0x0000000002cf1fc0: shl    $0x3,%r13
0x0000000002cf1fc4: xor    0x8(%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1fc8: test   $0xfffffffffffffffc,%r13
0x0000000002cf1fcf: je     0x0000000002cf2009
0x0000000002cf1fd1: test   $0x2,%r13
0x0000000002cf1fd8: jne    0x0000000002cf2009
0x0000000002cf1fda: cmpq   $0x0,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1fe2: je     0x0000000002cf2005
0x0000000002cf1fe4: cmpq   $0x1,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf1fec: je     0x0000000002cf2005
0x0000000002cf1fee: xor    0x8(%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf1ff2: test   $0xfffffffffffffffc,%r13
0x0000000002cf1ff9: je     0x0000000002cf2009
0x0000000002cf1ffb: orq    $0x2,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf2003: jmp    0x0000000002cf2009
0x0000000002cf2005: mov    %r13,0x8(%rax)
0x0000000002cf2009: add    $0x10,%rax
0x0000000002cf200d: mov    -0x28(%rax),%r13
0x0000000002cf2011: sub    $0x4,%r13d
0x0000000002cf2015: shl    $0x3,%r13d
0x0000000002cf2019: add    %r13,%rax
0x0000000002cf201c: mov    %rax,-0x20(%rbp)

    void InterpreterMacroAssembler::prepare_to_jump_from_interpreted() {
        // set sender sp
        lea(r13, Address(rsp, wordSize));
        // record last_sp
        movptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp_offset * wordSize), r13);

0x0000000002cf2020: lea    0x8(%rsp),%r13
0x0000000002cf2025: mov    %r13,-0x10(%rbp)

    jmp(Address(method, Method::from_interpreted_offset()));
  //jump到这里  volatile address           _from_interpreted_entry; // Cache of _code ? _adapter->i2c_entry() : _i2i_entry

0x0000000002cf2029: jmpq   *0x50(%rbx)
0x0000000002cf202c: nopl   0x0(%rax)
0x0000000002cf2030: add    %al,(%rax)
0x0000000002cf2032: add    %al,(%rax)
0x0000000002cf2034: add    %al,(%rax)
0x0000000002cf2036: add    %al,(%rax)
0x0000000002cf2038: add    %al,(%rax)
0x0000000002cf203a: add    %al,(%rax)
0x0000000002cf203c: add    %al,(%rax)
0x0000000002cf203e: add    %al,(%rax)



void TemplateTable::invokespecial(int byte_no) {
    transition(vtos, vtos);
    assert(byte_no == f1_byte, "use this argument");
    prepare_invoke(byte_no, rbx, noreg,  // get f1 Method*
                   rcx);  // get receiver also for null check
    __ verify_oop(rcx);
    __ null_check(rcx);
    // do the call
    __ profile_call(rax);
    __ profile_arguments_type(rax, rbx, r13, false);
    __ jump_from_interpreted(rbx, rax);
void TemplateTable::prepare_invoke(int byte_no,
                                   Register method,  // linked method (or i-klass)
                                   Register index,   // itable index, MethodType, etc.
                                   Register recv,    // if caller wants to see it
                                   Register flags    // if caller wants to test it
) {
    // determine flags
    const Bytecodes::Code code = bytecode();
    const bool is_invokeinterface  = code == Bytecodes::_invokeinterface;
    const bool is_invokedynamic    = code == Bytecodes::_invokedynamic;
    const bool is_invokehandle     = code == Bytecodes::_invokehandle;
    const bool is_invokevirtual    = code == Bytecodes::_invokevirtual;
    const bool is_invokespecial    = code == Bytecodes::_invokespecial;
    const bool load_receiver       = (recv  != noreg);//true
    const bool save_flags          = (flags != noreg);//false
    assert(load_receiver == (code != Bytecodes::_invokestatic && code != Bytecodes::_invokedynamic), "");
    assert(save_flags    == (is_invokeinterface || is_invokevirtual), "need flags for vfinal");
    assert(flags == noreg || flags == rdx, "");
    assert(recv  == noreg || recv  == rcx, "");

    // setup registers & access constant pool cache
    if (recv  == noreg)  recv  = rcx;//
    if (flags == noreg)  flags = rdx;
    assert_different_registers(method, index, recv, flags);

    // save 'interpreter return address'
    __ save_bcp();

    load_invoke_cp_cache_entry(byte_no, method, index, flags, is_invokevirtual, false, is_invokedynamic);

    // maybe push appendix to arguments (just before return address)
    if (is_invokedynamic || is_invokehandle) {
        Label L_no_push;
        __ testl(flags, (1 << ConstantPoolCacheEntry::has_appendix_shift));
        __ jcc(Assembler::zero, L_no_push);
        // Push the appendix as a trailing parameter.
        // This must be done before we get the receiver,
        // since the parameter_size includes it.
        __ push(rbx);
        __ mov(rbx, index);
        assert(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::_indy_resolved_references_appendix_offset == 0, "appendix expected at index+0");
        __ load_resolved_reference_at_index(index, rbx);
        __ pop(rbx);
        __ push(index);  // push appendix (MethodType, CallSite, etc.)
        __ bind(L_no_push);

    // load receiver if needed (after appendix is pushed so parameter size is correct)
    // Note: no return address pushed yet
    if (load_receiver) {//true
        __ movl(recv, flags);
        __ andl(recv, ConstantPoolCacheEntry::parameter_size_mask);
        const int no_return_pc_pushed_yet = -1;  // argument slot correction before we push return address
        const int receiver_is_at_end      = -1;  // back off one slot to get receiver
        Address recv_addr = __ argument_address(recv, no_return_pc_pushed_yet + receiver_is_at_end);
        __ movptr(recv, recv_addr);
        __ verify_oop(recv);

    if (save_flags) {//false
        __ movl(r13, flags);

    // compute return type
    __ shrl(flags, ConstantPoolCacheEntry::tos_state_shift);
    // Make sure we don't need to mask flags after the above shift
    // load return address
        const address table_addr = (address) Interpreter::invoke_return_entry_table_for(code);
        ExternalAddress table(table_addr);
        __ lea(rscratch1, table);
        __ movptr(flags, Address(rscratch1, flags, Address::times_ptr));

    // push return address
    __ push(flags);

    // Restore flags value from the constant pool cache, and restore rsi
    // for later null checks.  r13 is the bytecode pointer
    if (save_flags) {
        __ movl(flags, r13);
        __ restore_bcp();
void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_index_at_bcp(Register index,
                                                       int bcp_offset,
                                                       size_t index_size) {
    assert(bcp_offset > 0, "bcp is still pointing to start of bytecode");
    if (index_size == sizeof(u2)) {
        load_unsigned_short(index, Address(r13, bcp_offset));}
    void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(Register cache,
                                                               Register index,
                                                               int bcp_offset,
                                                               size_t index_size) {
        assert_different_registers(cache, index);
        get_cache_index_at_bcp(index, bcp_offset, index_size); //将index返回值,即为index是bcp的地址的invoke指令的操作数
        movptr(cache, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_cache_offset * wordSize));//将cache放入cache这个变量
        assert(sizeof(ConstantPoolCacheEntry) == 4 * wordSize, "adjust code below");
        // convert from field index to ConstantPoolCacheEntry index
        assert(exact_log2(in_words(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::size())) == 2, "else change next line");
        shll(index, 2);
    void InterpreterMacroAssembler::get_cache_and_index_and_bytecode_at_bcp(Register cache,
                                                                            Register index,
                                                                            Register bytecode,
                                                                            int byte_no,
                                                                            int bcp_offset,
                                                                            size_t index_size) {
        get_cache_and_index_at_bcp(cache, index, bcp_offset, index_size);//上边的执行到这里
        // We use a 32-bit load here since the layout of 64-bit words on
        // little-endian machines allow us that.
        //cache  就是constanpoolcache,那么这个操作就是取得方法重写过后的方法所在常量池的序号index
        movl(bytecode, Address(cache, index, Address::times_ptr, ConstantPoolCache::base_offset() + ConstantPoolCacheEntry::indices_offset()));
        const int shift_count = (1 + byte_no) * BitsPerByte;
        assert((byte_no == TemplateTable::f1_byte && shift_count == ConstantPoolCacheEntry::bytecode_1_shift) ||
               (byte_no == TemplateTable::f2_byte && shift_count == ConstantPoolCacheEntry::bytecode_2_shift),
               "correct shift count");
        shrl(bytecode, shift_count);//右移16为
        assert(ConstantPoolCacheEntry::bytecode_1_mask == ConstantPoolCacheEntry::bytecode_2_mask, "common mask");
        andl(bytecode, ConstantPoolCacheEntry::bytecode_1_mask);


//  __ push(flags);// push return address
0x0000000002cf1ec1: push   %rdx


    jmp(Address(method, Method::from_interpreted_offset()));
  //jump到这里  volatile address           _from_interpreted_entry; // Cache of _code ? _adapter->i2c_entry() : _i2i_entry

0x0000000002cf2029: jmpq   *0x50(%rbx)



void InstanceKlass::link_methods(TRAPS) {
  int len = methods()->length();
  for (int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--) {
    methodHandle m(THREAD, methods()->at(i));

    // Set up method entry points for compiler and interpreter    .
    m->link_method(m, CHECK);

    // This is for JVMTI and unrelated to relocator but the last thing we do
#ifdef ASSERT
    if (StressMethodComparator) {
      ResourceMark rm(THREAD);
      static int nmc = 0;
      for (int j = i; j >= 0 && j >= i-4; j--) {
        if ((++nmc % 1000) == 0)  tty->print_cr("Have run MethodComparator %d times...", nmc);
        bool z = MethodComparator::methods_EMCP(m(),
        if (j == i && !z) {
          tty->print("MethodComparator FAIL: "); m->print(); m->print_codes();
          assert(z, "method must compare equal to itself");
#endif //ASSERT


// Called when the method_holder is getting linked. Setup entrypoints so the method
// is ready to be called from interpreter, compiler, and vtables.
void Method::link_method(methodHandle h_method, TRAPS) {
  // If the code cache is full, we may reenter this function for the
  // leftover methods that weren't linked.
  if (_i2i_entry != NULL) return;

  assert(_adapter == NULL, "init'd to NULL" );
  assert( _code == NULL, "nothing compiled yet" );

  // Setup interpreter entrypoint
  assert(this == h_method(), "wrong h_method()" );
  address entry = Interpreter::entry_for_method(h_method);
  assert(entry != NULL, "interpreter entry must be non-null");
  // Sets both _i2i_entry and _from_interpreted_entry

  // Don't overwrite already registered native entries.
  if (is_native() && !has_native_function()) {

  // Setup compiler entrypoint.  This is made eagerly, so we do not need
  // special handling of vtables.  An alternative is to make adapters more
  // lazily by calling make_adapter() from from_compiled_entry() for the
  // normal calls.  For vtable calls life gets more complicated.  When a
  // call-site goes mega-morphic we need adapters in all methods which can be
  // called from the vtable.  We need adapters on such methods that get loaded
  // later.  Ditto for mega-morphic itable calls.  If this proves to be a
  // problem we'll make these lazily later.
  (void) make_adapters(h_method, CHECK);

  // ONLY USE the h_method now as make_adapter may have blocked



  static address    entry_for_kind(MethodKind k)
  { assert(0 <= k && k < number_of_method_entries, "illegal kind"); return _entry_table[k]; }
  static address    entry_for_method(methodHandle m)            { return entry_for_kind(method_kind(m)); }


  void set_interpreter_entry(address entry)      { _i2i_entry = entry;  _from_interpreted_entry = entry; }


enum MethodKind {
    zerolocals,                                                 // method needs locals initialization
    zerolocals_synchronized,                                    // method needs locals initialization & is synchronized
    native,                                                     // native method
    native_synchronized,                                        // native method & is synchronized
    empty,                                                      // empty method (code: _return)
    accessor,                                                   // accessor method (code: _aload_0, _getfield, _(a|i)return)
    abstract,                                                   // abstract method (throws an AbstractMethodException)
    method_handle_invoke_FIRST,                                 // java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles::invokeExact, etc.
    method_handle_invoke_LAST                                   = (method_handle_invoke_FIRST
                                                                   + (vmIntrinsics::LAST_MH_SIG_POLY
                                                                      - vmIntrinsics::FIRST_MH_SIG_POLY)),
    java_lang_math_sin,                                         // implementation of java.lang.Math.sin   (x)
    java_lang_math_cos,                                         // implementation of java.lang.Math.cos   (x)
    java_lang_math_tan,                                         // implementation of java.lang.Math.tan   (x)
    java_lang_math_abs,                                         // implementation of java.lang.Math.abs   (x)
    java_lang_math_sqrt,                                        // implementation of java.lang.Math.sqrt  (x)
    java_lang_math_log,                                         // implementation of java.lang.Math.log   (x)
    java_lang_math_log10,                                       // implementation of java.lang.Math.log10 (x)
    java_lang_math_pow,                                         // implementation of java.lang.Math.pow   (x,y)
    java_lang_math_exp,                                         // implementation of java.lang.Math.exp   (x)
    java_lang_ref_reference_get,                                // implementation of java.lang.ref.Reference.get()
    java_util_zip_CRC32_update,                                 // implementation of java.util.zip.CRC32.update()
    java_util_zip_CRC32_updateBytes,                            // implementation of java.util.zip.CRC32.updateBytes()
    java_util_zip_CRC32_updateByteBuffer,                       // implementation of java.util.zip.CRC32.updateByteBuffer()
    number_of_method_entries, //26
    invalid = -1

    gdb) p _entry_table
    $7 = {0x7f671501e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
          0x7f671501f060 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
          0x7f6715028d40 "H213K2017267I*XL215t314370h",
          0x7f671502a620 "H213K2017267I*XL215t314370h",
          0x7f6715020180 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
          0x7f6715020f00 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
          0x7f6715021c80 "H213e300H307", <incomplete sequence 360>,
          0x7f6715021c80 "H213e300H307", <incomplete sequence 360>,
          0x7f6715021c80 "H213e300H307", <incomplete sequence 360>,
          0x7f6715021c80 "H213e300H307", <incomplete sequence 360>,
          0x7f6715021c80 "H213e300H307", <incomplete sequence 360>,
          0x7f6715021c80 "H213e300H307", <incomplete sequence 360>,
          0x7f6715021c80 "H213e300H307", <incomplete sequence 360>,
          0x7f6715021f80 "335D$33505V2002322533130133134133735133530033136717207a",
          0x7f6715022300 "335D$33505326|2322533130133134133735133530033136717207a",
          0x7f6715022680 "335D$33505Vy2322533130133134133735133530033136717207	",
          0x7f6715022a00 "335D$331341H2033542033534$3053732004$H20330420XI213345377340220220220220@",
          0x7f6715022a40 "305373QD$XI213345377340220220220220314314314314314314314314314314314314314314314314@",
          0x7f6715022a80 "335D$331355331311331361H2033542033534$3053732004$H20330420XI213345377340@",
          0x7f6715022ac0 "335D$331354331311331361H2033542033534$3053732004$H20330420XI21334537734034003",
          0x7f6715022ee0 "335D$335D$3033135633735117207}",
          0x7f6715022b00 "335D$331300H203354233331<$21304$201", <incomplete sequence 310>,
          0x7f6715023420 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
          0x7f67150241a0 "201=6C0126",
          0x7f6715025ac0 "201=26*0126",
          0x7f6715027400 "201=326200126"}

            (gdb) p k
    $3 = AbstractInterpreter::zerolocals
            (gdb) p/d k
    $4 = 0
    (gdb) p h_method._value
    $7 = (Method *) 0x7f2908a13938
            (gdb) p * h_method._value
    $8 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908a138c0,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 138
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x0,
            _adapter = 0x0,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x0,
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x0,
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1
    (gdb) p *h_method._value._constMethod
    $10 = {
            <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
            members of ConstMethod:
            _fingerprint = 9223372036854775808,
            _constants = 0x7f2908a110e0,
            _stackmap_data = 0x0,
            _constMethod_size = 15,
            _flags = 5,
            _code_size = 22,
            _name_index = 330,
            _signature_index = 331,
            _method_idnum = 27,
            _max_stack = 2,
            _max_locals = 3,
            _size_of_parameters = 2,
            static MAX_IDNUM = 65534,
            static UNSET_IDNUM = 65535
    (gdb) p *h_method._value._constMethod._constants
    $9 = (ConstantPool) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fce1070 <vtable for ConstantPool+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of ConstantPool:
            _tags = 0x7f2908a10db0,
            _cache = 0x7f2908a14e30,
            _pool_holder = 0x100038f38,
            _operands = 0x0,
            _resolved_references = 0x7f29180e0d60,
            _reference_map = 0x7f2908a15dc0,
            _flags = 0,
            _length = 809,
            _saved = {
                _resolved_reference_length = 0,
                        _version = 0
            _lock = 0x7f29181535c8

    (gdb) p * m._value
    $15 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c00588,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 9
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x0,
            _adapter = 0x0,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x0,
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x0,
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1

    (gdb) p * m._value._constMethod
    $16 = {
            <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
            members of ConstMethod:
            _fingerprint = 9223372036854775808,
            _constants = 0x7f2908c00080,
            _stackmap_data = 0x7f2908c006d8,
            _constMethod_size = 30,
            _flags = 5,
            _code_size = 81,
            _name_index = 29,
            _signature_index = 30,
            _method_idnum = 3,
            _max_stack = 4,
            _max_locals = 8,
            _size_of_parameters = 1,
            static MAX_IDNUM = 65534,
            static UNSET_IDNUM = 65535

    这个是_name_index = 29, 29 是main方法
    (gdb) p k
    $18 = AbstractInterpreter::zerolocals
    _entry_table[k] =0x7f290901e2e0
    (gdb) p * this
    $21 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c00588,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 9
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x0,
            _adapter = 0x0,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x0,
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x0,
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1
    (gdb) p * this
    $23 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c00588,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 9
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",  //设置了这个
            _adapter = 0x0,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x0,
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",//设置了这个
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1

    address Method::make_adapters(methodHandle mh, TRAPS) {
        // Adapters for compiled code are made eagerly here.  They are fairly
        // small (generally < 100 bytes) and quick to make (and cached and shared)
        // so making them eagerly shouldn't be too expensive.
        AdapterHandlerEntry* adapter = AdapterHandlerLibrary::get_adapter(mh);
        if (adapter == NULL ) {
            THROW_MSG_NULL(vmSymbols::java_lang_VirtualMachineError(), "out of space in CodeCache for adapters");

        mh->_from_compiled_entry = adapter->get_c2i_entry();
        return adapter->get_c2i_entry();

    $31 = (AdapterHandlerEntry *) 0x7f29180aee10
    (gdb) x/8xg adapter
    0x7f29180aee10:    0xf1f1f1f1f1f1f1f1    0xf1f1f1f1b0000000
    0x7f29180aee20:    0x0000000000000000    0x00007f2918087c98  //第一个成员变量_fingerprint
    0x7f29180aee30:    0x00007f2909106ae0    0x00007f2909106bf4 c2i
    0x7f29180aee40:    0x00007f2909106bc7    0x0000000000000000

            (gdb) p mh->_from_compiled_entry
    $30 = (volatile address) 0x7f2909106bf4 "H201{P"

            (gdb) x/120i 0x00007f2909106ae0
    0x7f2909106ae0:    mov    (%rsp),%rax
    0x7f2909106ae4:    movabs $0x7f29090053e0,%r11
    0x7f2909106aee:    cmp    %r11,%rax
    0x7f2909106af1:    jbe    0x7f2909106b0a
    0x7f2909106af7:    movabs $0x7f29091053e0,%r11
    0x7f2909106b01:    cmp    %r11,%rax
    0x7f2909106b04:    jb     0x7f2909106ba7
    0x7f2909106b0a:    movabs $0x7f2909000420,%r11
    0x7f2909106b14:    cmp    %r11,%rax
    0x7f2909106b17:    jbe    0x7f2909106b30
    0x7f2909106b1d:    movabs $0x7f2909004e58,%r11
    0x7f2909106b27:    cmp    %r11,%rax
    0x7f2909106b2a:    jb     0x7f2909106ba7
    0x7f2909106b30:    mov    %rsp,-0x28(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b35:    sub    $0x80,%rsp
    0x7f2909106b3c:    mov    %rax,0x78(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b41:    mov    %rcx,0x70(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b46:    mov    %rdx,0x68(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b4b:    mov    %rbx,0x60(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b50:    mov    %rbp,0x50(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b55:    mov    %rsi,0x48(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b5a:    mov    %rdi,0x40(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b5f:    mov    %r8,0x38(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b64:    mov    %r9,0x30(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b69:    mov    %r10,0x28(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b6e:    mov    %r11,0x20(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b73:    mov    %r12,0x18(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b78:    mov    %r13,0x10(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b7d:    mov    %r14,0x8(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b82:    mov    %r15,(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106b86:    movabs $0x7f291f7bd600,%rdi
    0x7f2909106b90:    movabs $0x7f2909106b30,%rsi
    0x7f2909106b9a:    mov    %rsp,%rdx
    0x7f2909106b9d:    and    $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
    0x7f2909106ba1:    callq  0x7f291f238dc8 <MacroAssembler::debug64(char*, long, long*)>
                              0x7f2909106ba6:    hlt
    0x7f2909106ba7:    mov    %rsp,%r11
    0x7f2909106baa:    and    $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
    0x7f2909106bae:    push   %rax
    0x7f2909106baf:    mov    %r11,%rax
    0x7f2909106bb2:    mov    0x48(%rbx),%r11
    0x7f2909106bb6:    mov    0x8(%rax),%rsi
    0x7f2909106bba:    mov    %rbx,0x248(%r15)
    0x7f2909106bc1:    mov    %rbx,%rax
    0x7f2909106bc4:    jmpq   *%r11
    0x7f2909106bc7:    mov    0x8(%rsi),%ebx
    0x7f2909106bca:    shl    $0x3,%rbx
    0x7f2909106bce:    cmp    0x10(%rax),%rbx
    0x7f2909106bd2:    mov    0x8(%rax),%rbx
    0x7f2909106bd6:    je     0x7f2909106be1
    0x7f2909106bdc:    jmpq   0x7f2909105be0
    0x7f2909106be1:    cmpq   $0x0,0x50(%rbx)
    0x7f2909106be9:    je     0x7f2909106ce4
    0x7f2909106bef:    jmpq   0x7f2909105be0
    0x7f2909106bf4:    cmpq   $0x0,0x50(%rbx)
    0x7f2909106bfc:    je     0x7f2909106ce4
    0x7f2909106c02:    mov    %rsp,%r13
    0x7f2909106c05:    mov    (%rsp),%rax
    0x7f2909106c09:    and    $0xfffffffffffffff0,%rsp
    0x7f2909106c0d:    pushfq
    0x7f2909106c0e:    sub    $0x8,%rsp
    0x7f2909106c12:    mov    %rsp,-0x28(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c17:    sub    $0x80,%rsp
    0x7f2909106c1e:    mov    %rax,0x78(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c23:    mov    %rcx,0x70(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c28:    mov    %rdx,0x68(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c2d:    mov    %rbx,0x60(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c32:    mov    %rbp,0x50(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c37:    mov    %rsi,0x48(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c3c:    mov    %rdi,0x40(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c41:    mov    %r8,0x38(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c46:    mov    %r9,0x30(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c4b:    mov    %r10,0x28(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c50:    mov    %r11,0x20(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c55:    mov    %r12,0x18(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c5a:    mov    %r13,0x10(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c5f:    mov    %r14,0x8(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c64:    mov    %r15,(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c68:    sub    $0x200,%rsp
    0x7f2909106c6f:    fxsave64 (%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c74:    mov    %rbx,%rdi
    0x7f2909106c77:    mov    %rax,%rsi
    0x7f2909106c7a:    callq  0x7f291f3d3a32 <SharedRuntime::fixup_callers_callsite(Method*, unsigned char*)>
                              0x7f2909106c7f:    fxrstor64 (%rsp)
    0x7f2909106c84:    add    $0x200,%rsp
    0x7f2909106c8b:    mov    (%rsp),%r15
    0x7f2909106c8f:    mov    0x8(%rsp),%r14
    0x7f2909106c94:    mov    0x10(%rsp),%r13
    0x7f2909106c99:    mov    0x18(%rsp),%r12
    0x7f2909106c9e:    mov    0x20(%rsp),%r11
    0x7f2909106ca3:    mov    0x28(%rsp),%r10
    0x7f2909106ca8:    mov    0x30(%rsp),%r9
    0x7f2909106cad:    mov    0x38(%rsp),%r8
    0x7f2909106cb2:    mov    0x40(%rsp),%rdi
    0x7f2909106cb7:    mov    0x48(%rsp),%rsi
    0x7f2909106cbc:    mov    0x50(%rsp),%rbp
    0x7f2909106cc1:    mov    0x60(%rsp),%rbx
    0x7f2909106cc6:    mov    0x68(%rsp),%rdx
    0x7f2909106ccb:    mov    0x70(%rsp),%rcx
    0x7f2909106cd0:    mov    0x78(%rsp),%rax
    0x7f2909106cd5:    add    $0x80,%rsp
    0x7f2909106cdc:    add    $0x8,%rsp
    0x7f2909106ce0:    popfq
    0x7f2909106ce1:    mov    %r13,%rsp
    0x7f2909106ce4:    pop    %rax
    0x7f2909106ce5:    mov    %rsp,%r13
    0x7f2909106ce8:    sub    $0x10,%rsp
    0x7f2909106cec:    mov    %rax,(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106cf0:    mov    %rsi,0x8(%rsp)
    0x7f2909106cf5:    mov    0x38(%rbx),%rcx
    0x7f2909106cf9:    jmpq   *%rcx
    0x7f2909106cfb:    hlt
    0x7f2909106cfc:    hlt
    0x7f2909106cfd:    hlt
    0x7f2909106cfe:    hlt
    0x7f2909106cff:    hlt
    0x7f2909106d00:    or     %al,(%rax)
    0x7f2909106d02:    add    %al,(%rax)
    0x7f2909106d04:    add    %al,(%rax)
    0x7f2909106d06:    add    %al,(%rax)

    (gdb) p m._value
    $33 = (Method *) 0x7f2908c00678
            (gdb) p * m._value
    $34 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c00588,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 9
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
            _adapter = 0x7f29180aee10,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x7f2909106bf4 "H201{P",   //就是这里设置了compiled_entry取值是从adapter中拿到的

            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1

    (gdb) p * m._value._constMethod
    $35 = {
            <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
            members of ConstMethod:
            _fingerprint = 9223372036854775808,
            _constants = 0x7f2908c00080,
            _stackmap_data = 0x0,
            _constMethod_size = 7,
            _flags = 1,
            _code_size = 6,
            _name_index = 10,
            _signature_index = 11,
            _method_idnum = 2,
            _max_stack = 1,
            _max_locals = 0,
            _size_of_parameters = 0,
            static MAX_IDNUM = 65534,
            static UNSET_IDNUM = 65535
查看_name_index = 10, 知道是clint方法
    (gdb) p this
    $37 = (Method * const) 0x7f2908c003b0
            (gdb) p * this
    $38 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c00378,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 8
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x0,
            _adapter = 0x0,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x0,
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x0,
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1

    (gdb) p * this
    $40 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c00410,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 1
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x0,
            _adapter = 0x0,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x0,
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x0,
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1
    (gdb) p * this._constMethod
    $41 = {
            <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
            members of ConstMethod:
            _fingerprint = 9223372036854775808,
            _constants = 0x7f2908c00080,
            _stackmap_data = 0x0,
            _constMethod_size = 14,
            _flags = 5,
            _code_size = 15,
            _name_index = 17,
            _signature_index = 18,
            _method_idnum = 1,
            _max_stack = 2,
            _max_locals = 3,
            _size_of_parameters = 3,
            static MAX_IDNUM = 65534,
            static UNSET_IDNUM = 65535

    _name_index = 17, 查看常量池是init方法
 $46 = (Method *) 0x7f2908c00480
         (gdb) p * mh._value
    $47 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c00410,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 1
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
            _adapter = 0x7f29180b0048, //这个每个方法都不一样的
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x7f2909125a21 "H201{P",
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1

    (gdb) p * this
    $52 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c004e0,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 1
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x0,
            _adapter = 0x0,
            _from_compiled_entry = 0x0,
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x0,
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1

    (gdb) p *m._value
    $55 = (Method) {
            <Metadata> = {
                <MetaspaceObj> = {<No data fields>},
                members of Metadata:
                _vptr.Metadata = 0x7f291fcf1b90 <vtable for Method+16>,
                        _valid = 0
            members of Method:
            _constMethod = 0x7f2908c004e0,
            _method_data = 0x0,
            _method_counters = 0x0,
            _access_flags = {
                _flags = 1
            _vtable_index = -3,
            _method_size = 12,
            _intrinsic_id = 0 '00',
            _jfr_towrite = 0 '00',
            _caller_sensitive = 0 '00',
            _force_inline = 0 '00',
            _hidden = 0 '00',
            _dont_inline = 0 '00',
            _compiled_invocation_count = 0,
            _i2i_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
            _adapter = 0x7f29180aee10,//这个值不同呢

            _from_compiled_entry = 0x7f2909106bf4 "H201{P",
            _code = 0x0,
            _from_interpreted_entry = 0x7f290901e2e0 "H213S2017267J*17267R(+с37236601",
            static extra_stack_entries_for_jsr292 = 1

