
1. 一般开发写好接口后会有一个接口文档,文档里面会写名这接口是哪个功能的接口 会说明接口的请求类型 请求参数 还有返回数据里面的提示成功或者失败
简单的说就是接口通过工具 请求接口 会有一个返回数据 然后核对返回的数据 这是接口中最普通的做法, 通过浏览器就能实现了 当然对于专业的测试人员肯定不能用浏览器输入网址那么low的方式做了


 Loop Count

Using Loop Count you can specify the number of times to execute the Performance Test. You can select check-box “forever”, it will keep on executing same Test script in loop until you manually stop the execution. There is also an option to manually define the loop count.

Now let’s look at some examples to understand Thread Count + Ramp-Up Time + Loop Count combination.

– Scenario 1 : Thread Count = 20, Ramp Up Time (Seconds) = 100 & Loop Count = 1

Every 5 seconds (100/20) one Thread / Request will hit the server. Execution will start with one request at a time.

– Scenario 2 : Thread Count = 20, Ramp Up Time (Seconds) = 100 & Loop Count = 4

Every 5 seconds (100/20) 4 Thread / Requests will hit the server. Once the first thread completes the first round of execution, it will start 2nd loop by executing same HTTP request. Execution lasts until all 20 threads executes all HTTP requests 4 times.
