Running docker on Android  (the kernel features to be enabled)

With Android 4.4 KitKat, Google is upgrading linux kernel to version 3.8 which is the required kernel version for Docker.

I don't know the AUFS part but will there be a way to run docker containers on android with this update?

According to the documentation, the Android kernel is missing quite a few of the kernel features needed by LXC.

Perhaps in the future with Docker 1.x, it might be possible to write a plugin that uses Android features instead of LXC. But for now, you would need to build a custom Android kernel and then build LXC for it.

There are some people actually working on that, and Stéphane Graber has a good summary of the difficulties on his blog.


For running Docker on Android, I'll leave that to the countless posts on stackoverflow and elsewhere about that. In short, I think unless you're running Android on a kernel that you configured and built, you won't have much luck.

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