
 Which subject did you like best

 my favorate subject is math,less favorate is biology.

my didn't like the science and physic

We had different classes in separate buildings

military training


校长 Headmaster/ principal: is the they person in charge of SCHOOL

In College you call them professors

And teacher is in charge of the CLASSROOM



But in college we use professor instead of teacher

Elementary : kindergarten- grade 5

Middle school: 6th grade - 8th grade

And high school is 9th grade -12th grade
I’m sharing my candy with her
I’m giving her some of my candy
That’s called sharing
Now if a teach is sharing about herself, she is giving information about her Life

Event: I’m going to spend a little bit of time sharing with you about my life experience.

Word choice mean the words you choose to use when speaking

I'll share my life experience now.
