转:在使用angularjs过程,ng-repeat中track by的作用


<div ng-repeat="links in slides">
    <div ng-repeat="link in links track by $index">{{link.name}}</div>

Error: [ngRepeat:dupes]这个出错提示具体到题主的情况,意思是指数组中有2个以上的相同数字。ngRepeat不允许collection中存在两个相同Id的对象

For example: item in items is equivalent to item in items track by $id(item). This implies that the DOM elements will be associated by item identity in the array.

对于数字对象来说,它的id就是它自身的值,因此,数组中是不允许存在两个相同的数字的。为了规避这个错误,需要定义自己的track by表达式。例如:item in items track by item.id或者item in items track by fnCustomId(item)。嫌麻烦的话,直接拿循环的索引变量$index来用item in items track by $index
