





Hardware Resources
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.00GHz Dual Core
RAM: 3G Ram


Software Resources
Debian Lenny 5.0 64 bit arch
Linux painkiller 2.6.26-2-amd64 #1 SMP Wed May 13 15:37:46 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux
MySQL 5.0.51a-24+lenny1
MySQL 5.1.30 Sun compiled
InnoDB 1.0.3 Plugin compiled by ORACLE for MySQL 5.1.30
PostgreSQL 8.3.7
osdb 2.1 – Opensource Database benchmark.


The test was made on a 1024MB of data and the multiple users test was made with 100 users simultaneously on the same database.


SQL Operation MySQL 5.0.51 MySQL 5.1.30 with InnoDB 1.0.3 PostgreSQL
seconds seconds seconds
sel_1_cl() 0 0.02 0.04
join_3_cl() 0.06 0.05 0.02
sel_100_ncl() 0.01 0.01 0.03
table_scan() 10.54 4.13 0.64
oin_2() 1.78 1.62 0.89
sel_variable_select_low() 0.03 0.02 0
sel_variable_select_high() 12.52 7.82 49.51
join_4_cl() 0 0 0
proj_100() 7.13 7.35 149.97
join_4_ncl() 0.03 0 0
proj_10pct() 9.13 2.68 20.06
table_scan() select * from uniques where col_int = 1
sel_1_cl() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from updates where col_key = 1000
sel_1_ncl() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from updates where col_code = ‘BENCHMARKS’
sel_100_cl() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from updates where col_key <= 100
sel_100_ncl() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from updates where col_int <= 100
sel_variable_select_high() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from tenpct where col_signed < :prog_var;
sel_variable_select_low() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from tenpct where col_signed < :prog_var;
join_4_cl() select uniques.col_date, hundred.col_date, tenpct.col_date, updates.col_date from uniques, hundred, tenpct, updates where uniques.col_key = hundred.col_key and uniques.col_key = tenpct.col_key and uniques.col_key = updates.col_key and uniques.col_key = 1000
join_4_ncl() select uniques.col_date, hundred.col_date, tenpct.col_date, updates.col_date from uniques, hundred, tenpct, updates where uniques.col_code = hundred.col_code and uniques.col_code = tenpct.col_code and uniques.col_code = updates.col_code and uniques.col_code = ‘BENCHMARKS’
sel_variable_select_high() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from tenpct where col_signed < :prog_var;
sel_variable_select_low() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from tenpct where col_signed < :prog_var;
























 在一些常规的根据表的键查询MySQL 5.1.30 with InnoDB 1.0.3居然还快过postgresql

sel_1_cl() select col_key, col_int, col_signed, col_code, col_double, col_name from updates where col_key = 1000



table_scan() select * from uniques where col_int = 1



