RabbitMQ文档翻译——Work queues


Work Queues

(using the Java Client)

In the first tutorial we wrote programs to send and receive messages from a named queue.In this one we'll create a Work Queue that will be used to distribute time-consuming tasks among multiple workers.

在上一篇教程中,我们写的程序从一个指定的队列发送和接收消息。本篇,我们将创建一个用于多个角色之间分配耗时的任务,工作队列(Work Queue)。


The main idea behind Work Queues(aka: Task Queues) is to avoid doing a resource-intensive task immediately and having to wait for it to complete. Instead we schedule the task to be done later. We encapsulate a task as a message and send it to a queue. A worker process running in the background will pop the tasks and eventually execute the job. When you run many workers the tasks will be shared between them.


This concept is especially useful in web applications where it's impossible to handle a complex task during a short HTTP request window.



In the previous part of this tutorial we sent a message containing "Hello World!". Now we'll be sending strings that stand for complex tasks. We don't have a real-world task, like images to be resized or pdf files to be rendered, so let's fake it by just pretending we're busy - by using theThread.sleep() function. We'll take the number of dots in the string as its complexity; every dot will account for one second of "work". For example, a fake task described by Hello... will take three seconds.

在之前的教程中我们发送一个包含“Hello World!”的消息。现在我们将发送多个字符串来代表一个复杂的任务。我们没有一个现实的工作,比如图像的调整大小或者pdf文件的渲染,所以我们使当前线程睡眠(Thread.sleep())来假装我们很忙的样子。我们将把字符串中的点的数量作为它的复杂性,每一个点将占一秒钟的“工作”。比如说,一个假的任务是"Hello…"将需要三秒。


We will slightly modify the Send.java code from our previous example, to allow arbitrary messages to be sent from the command line. This program will schedule tasks to our work queue, so let's name it NewTask.java:


String message = getMessage(argv);

channel.basicPublish("", "hello", null, message.getBytes());
System.out.println(" [x] Sent '" + message + "'");

Some help to get the message from the command line argument:


private static String getMessage(String[] strings){
    if (strings.length < 1)
        return "Hello World!";
    return joinStrings(strings, " ");

private static String joinStrings(String[] strings, String delimiter) {
    int length = strings.length;
    if (length == 0) return "";
    StringBuilder words = new StringBuilder(strings[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
    return words.toString();

Our old Recv.java program also requires some changes: it needs to fake a second of work for every dot in the message body.It will handle delivered messages and perform the task, so let's call it Worker.java:


final Consumer consumer = new DefaultConsumer(channel) {
  public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
    String message = new String(body, "UTF-8");

    System.out.println(" [x] Received '" + message + "'");
    try {
    } finally {
      System.out.println(" [x] Done");
boolean autoAck = true; // acknowledgment is covered below
channel.basicConsume(TASK_QUEUE_NAME, autoAck, consumer);

Our fake task to simulate execution time:


private static void doWork(String task) throws InterruptedException {
    for (char ch: task.toCharArray()) {
        if (ch == '.') Thread.sleep(1000);

Compile them as in tutorial one (with the jar files in the working directory):


$ javac -cp rabbitmq-client.jar NewTask.java Worker.java
