reborn to freelancer

I want to be a freelancer, so I come back to record all my efforts.

I hope this will be a new start at May 1st, 2015. 

There some thing I want to do:

  •  NodeJS Training Camp

It's not free, so I think I should take it seriously.

first, learn from learnyounode:

second, read Eloquent Javascipt and 深入浅出Node.js ( cost ¥40 buy from ) .

The training camp will begin at 4th May, so I may or sure not read complete, however I wish I would finish these two book before the end of the training.

To add insult to injury, the training may be give more read materials.

The training camp 

  • CodeSchool

I paid for CodeSchool course at the begin of this year, then I got a chance to take entrance test for doctor of USTC. So, I didn't finish even one path, which I would have like to learn Ruby.

I should continue my CodeShool lesson. If I have some time in Node.JS training camp, I maybe learn some JavaScript in CodeSchool.

  • Graduate

After 2 month review, which is not too much hard work, I pass through the doctoral entrance test of USTC. This doctoral course is the special treat to my unit, so the entrance test is a little easier than common. About half of my colleagues passed through the initial test, and I will participate in the second interview at May 6th in Hefei.

Not surprising if I will go back to school and become doctoral graduate student. Then in the front of my road, there may be five years hard learning. This may be on the horns of a dilemma about to be freelancer.

  • Misc

I just began to read Head First Data Analysis and Code Complete, I don't want to suspend it.


This is my first English post, if anyone can help me to rectify it, I will appreciate. The reason that I write in English because my English test score is too low, it just higher a bit than the threshold which far from my expected.
