How to configure Visual Studio to use Cygwin

Use open folder project, you need to specify it as follows:

  "configurations": [
      "inheritEnvironments": [
      "name": "x64-Debug",
      "includePath": [
      "defines": [
      "intelliSenseMode": "windows-clang-x64",
      "forcedInclude": [ "${env.CYGWIN_ROOT}\predefined_macro.h" ],
      "environments": [
          "CYGWIN_ROOT": "C:\cygwin64",
          "BIN_ROOT": "${env.CYGWIN_ROOT}\bin",
          "environment": "cygwin_64",
          "INCLUDE": "${env.CYGWIN_ROOT}\usr\include;${env.CYGWIN_ROOT}\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-cygwin\7.4.0\include;${env.CYGWIN_ROOT}\usr\include\python2.7;${env.CYGWIN_ROOT}\usr\include\w32api",
          "PATH": "${env.CYGWIN_ROOT}\bin;${env.PATH}"

See user defined environment for detail.

A key step is to specify the predefined macro for cygwin. You need to create a file called predefined_macro.h, which is the output of gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null in cygwin environment.
