Remarks on a preprint


Page 2 Line 1, "reads" should be "read".


Page 2 Line 5, "are initial velocity and initial magnetic field" should be "are initial velocity and initial magnetic fields" .


Page 2 Paragrapha 1, the last line, the references should be given...


Page 2 Paragrapha 2, Last line 2, Zhou and Gala [?] should be verified.


Page 4, you should just give a reference that provide the proof, Ref [11]?


Page 8, Section "Acknowledgement", the sentence 'The authors would like to thank the referee..." should be deleted.


Page 10, [19] should be corrected, it is "H.L. Duan, On regularity criteria in terms of pressure for the 3D viscous MHD equations, Appl. Anal., 91 (2012), 947--952."


Page 10, [20] the journal should be "Z. Anal. Anwendungen".
