第一册:lesson 101。

原文: A card from Jimmy

Read Jimmy's card to me please,Penny.

I have just arrive in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel.


He says he has just arrive in Scotland. He says he is staying at a Youth Hostel.

You know, he is a member of the Y.H.A.

The what?

The Y.H.A,Mum. The Youth Hostels Association.

What else does he say?

I will write a letter soon. I hope you  all well.

What? speak up .Penny. I'm afraid I can't hear you.

He says he will write a letter soon.He hopes we are all well. Love, Jimmy.

Is that all? He doesn't say very mush ,does he?

He cant write very much on a card ,mum.




youth:n 青年。

hostel:n  招待所, 旅馆。  指青旅,名宿。  hotel :  指酒店,旅馆  高档些。


speak up :大声的说。
