
1、Kubernetes: requesting flag for "kubectl logs" to avoid 5-minute timeout if no stdout/stderr 

When running kubectl logs --follow on a pod, after 5 minutes of no stdout/stderr, we received:

$ kubectl --kubeconfig=config --namespace=foo logs --follow foo-oneoff-w8npn --container bar

#                                    #
#  /system_tests/test_derp.py (1/4)  #
#                                    #

RESULTS: [/system_tests/test_derp/TestDerp] Ran 4 tests in 130.044 s, ALL TESTS PASSED

#                                    #
#  /system_tests/test_fuzz.py (2/4)  #
#                                    #

error: unexpected EOF


For posterity, the problem here is that we're using haproxy to serve a VIP to balance HA Kubernetes masters.

Specifically we're using HA-Proxy v1.4.21, and we have this in our haproxy cfg:

  timeout client  500000
  timeout server  500000
