

This sample illustrates how to create a GeoPolygon object and display it as a graphic in ArcMap using a GeoPolygonElement. A GeoPolygon is a spheroid-aware polygon, the line segments of which are composed of GeoPolylines. A GeoPolygonElement is a spheroid-aware IElement object that dynamically updates its shape when the underlying geometry changes or is moved from one geographic location to another.
Products: ArcView Minimum ArcGIS Release: 9.3

How to use:
  1. Make sure to add a reference to the ESRI DefenseSolutions Object Library.
  2. Paste the code into VBA.
  3. Run the function from the Macros dialog.
  4. Select the GeoPolygonElement graphic and drag it to another location in the map and note how it changes.
Public Sub MakeGeoPolygon()

'get the MxDocument and ActiveView
Dim pDoc As IMxDocument
Set pDoc = ThisDocument
Dim pView As IActiveView
Set pView = pDoc.ActiveView
Dim pMap As IMap
Set pMap = pView.FocusMap

'Create the base polygon geometry.
Dim pColl As IPointCollection4
Set pColl = New Polygon

Dim pPoint As IPoint
Set pPoint = New Point

pPoint.PutCoords 0, 63
pColl.AddPoint pPoint
pPoint.PutCoords 7, 51
pColl.AddPoint pPoint
pPoint.PutCoords 14, 63
pColl.AddPoint pPoint
pPoint.PutCoords 24, 56
pColl.AddPoint pPoint
pPoint.PutCoords 33, 74
pColl.AddPoint pPoint
pPoint.PutCoords 17, 68
pColl.AddPoint pPoint

Dim pPoly As IPolygon4
Set pPoly = pColl

'Set the spatial reference to that of the map
Dim pSRMap As ISpatialReference
Set pSRMap = pMap.SpatialReference
Set pPoly.SpatialReference = pSRMap

'Create the GeoPolygon object and set its base geometry to the original polygon
Dim pGeoPoly As IGeoPolygon
Set pGeoPoly = New GeoPolygon
pGeoPoly.Polygon = pPoly

'Set the properties of the GeoPolygon.
'Base spatial reference
Set pGeoPoly.BaseSpatialReference = pMap.SpatialReference

'geodesy geometry type for the line segments comprising the GeoPolygon.
pGeoPoly.SpecialGeolineType = cjmtkSGTGeodesic

'Create a GeoPolygonElement graphic element and set its geometry using the GeoPolygon.

Dim pElement As IElement
Set pElement = New GeoPolygonElement
pElement.Geometry = pGeoPoly

'Add the graphic to the map.
Dim pGraph As IGraphicsContainer
Set pGraph = pView.GraphicsContainer
pGraph.AddElement pElement, 0


End Sub
