Samba 3.0.29 新版本公布


随着Linux的遍及,若何共享Linux下的文件成为用户关切的题目.真实,几乎完备的Linux发行套件都供应了一个很好的东西Samba——议决它 可以轻松完成文件共享.Samba的功效很强大,在Linux效劳器上的Samba运转起来今后,Linux就相当于一台文件及打印效劳器,向 Windows和Linux Samba客户供应文件及打印效劳.

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Release Notes for Samba 3.0.29
May 20, 2008

This is a bug fix release of the Samba 3.0 production series and is the
version that servers should be run for all current Samba 3.0 bug fixes.

Major bug fixes included in Samba 3.0.29 are:

o Problems following domain trusts on a Samba DC.
o SMB Signing errors.
o Interoperability issues with Windows 2008 domains.


Changes since 3.0.28a

o Michael Adam

Please refer to the original Samba 3.0.28a Release Notes for more details regarding changes i previous releases.

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