
作者: emerald  出自:
找了无数两端,今天有意中在一个英文的ubuntu bug告诉的回复里看到一个设施:

“Hi, I bypassed the problem in a crude way.

Since the problem comes from the padlock_aes module that of course does not find any hardware on my pc, I went in the /lib/modules/2.6.24-xxx/modules.alias and I commented out the first two occurrences of AES that link to padlock and geode hardware.

So, the airo driver works perfectly now and the boot process is smooth as usual. Somebody should modify the configuration in a way that aes_generic or something like that is used on normal hardware.”

找到并编辑/lib/modules/2.6.24-xxx/modules.alias文件,把有aes padlock和有aes geode的两行讲明丢失,重启,ok了。

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