Totem 2.18.1

 Toy Posted in Apps, Movie PlayerRSSTrackback

Totem 这个 GNOME 桌面环境中默许的电影播放器在本日发表了 2.18.1 版。该版本作出了必然的改进,并使序次越发不变。

现援用 Totem 官方发表的 2.18.1 变动记录如下,以供年夜家参考:

* Add xdg-user-dirs support, show Movies and Music directories
in the file choosers
* Avoid crashes when we can’t figure out a file’s display name
and we’re adding it to the recent files list
* Make adding multiple files to a running Totem work again
* Misc build, bug and memory leak fixes
* GStreamer:
- Don’t ask over and over when the user cancels a helper for a
missing plugin
- Call the missing plugins helper when there’s no video available
and a subtitle was used
- Make the seek bar behaves properly when no soundcards are used
* Browser plugin:
- Remove rejection of streams based on mime-type, should allow
playback of many more broken servers
- Make the wheel act properly on the volume button

Download Totem 2.18.1

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