GIMP 2.2.16

 Toy Posted in AppsRSSTrackback

这是针对 GIMP 2.2 稳固分支而推出的一个 bug 更新版本,其中不仅修正了一些安适性方面的效果,并且有些插件也获得了革新。该版本的源码包,你可以从 GIMP 的 ftp 站点上下载。

援引 GIMP 官方所列出的本次变更环境如下,供参考:

- improved input value validation in several file plug-ins (bug #453973)
- improved handling of corrupt or invalid XCF files
- guard against integer overflows in several file plug-ins (bug #451379)
- fixed handling of background alpha channel in XCF files (bug #443097)
- improved forward compatibility of the config parser
- fixed crash when previewing some animated brushes (bug #446005)

- Download GIMP 2.2.16

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