烟大 Contest1024

Problem D: LC-Display

Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB
Submit: 14  Solved: 3
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A friend of yours has just bought a new computer. Before this, the most powerful machine he ever used was a pocket calculator. He is a little disappointed because he liked the LCD display of his calculator more than the screen on his new computer! To make him happy, write a program that prints numbers in LCD display style.


The input file contains several lines, one for each number to be displayed. Each line contains integers s and n, where n is the number to be displayed ( 0n99, 999, 999) and s is the size in which it shall be displayed ( 1s10). The input will be terminated by a line containing two zeros, which should not be processed


Print the numbers specified in the input file in an LCD display-style using s ``-'' signs for the horizontal segments and s ``|'' signs for the vertical ones. Each digit occupies exactly s + 2 columns and 2s + 3 rows. Be sure to fill all the white space occupied by the digits with blanks, including the last digit. There must be exactly one column of blanks between two digits. Output a blank line after each number. You will find an example of each digit in the sample output below.

Sample Input

2 12345
3 67890
0 0

Sample Output

      --   --        -- 
   |    |    | |  | | 
   |    |    | |  | | 
      --   --   --   -- 
   | |       |    |    |
   | |       |    |    |
      --   --        -- 

 ---   ---   ---   ---   --- 
|         | |   | |   | |   |
|         | |   | |   | |   |
|         | |   | |   | |   |
 ---         ---   --- 
|   |     | |   |     | |   |
|   |     | |   |     | |   |
|   |     | |   |     | |   |
 ---         ---   ---   ---





My code:

  1 //这是一道模拟题
  2 //模拟计算器的形式在控制台中输出数字
  4 #include <iostream>
  5 #include <string.h>
  6 using namespace std;
  8 int a[10][5][3]=
  9 {
 10 {//0
 11 0,2,0,
 12 1,3,1,
 13 0,3,0,
 14 1,3,1,
 15 0,2,0
 16 }
 17 ,{//1
 18 0,3,0,
 19 0,3,1,
 20 0,3,0,
 21 0,3,1,
 22 0,3,0}
 23 ,{//2
 24 0,2,0,
 25 0,3,1,
 26 0,2,0,
 27 1,3,0,
 28 0,2,0
 29 }
 30 ,{//3
 31 0,2,0,
 32 0,3,1,
 33 0,2,0,
 34 0,3,1,
 35 0,2,0
 36 }
 37 ,{//4
 38 0,3,0,
 39 1,3,1,
 40 0,2,0,
 41 0,3,1,
 42 0,3,0
 43 }
 44 ,{//5
 45 0,2,0,
 46 1,3,0,
 47 0,2,0,
 48 0,3,1,
 49 0,2,0
 50 }
 51 ,{//6
 52 0,2,0,
 53 1,3,0,
 54 0,2,0,
 55 1,3,1,
 56 0,2,0
 57 }
 58 ,{//7
 59 0,2,0,
 60 0,3,1,
 61 0,3,0,
 62 0,3,1,
 63 0,3,0
 64 }
 65 ,{//8
 66 0,2,0,
 67 1,3,1,
 68 0,2,0,
 69 1,3,1,
 70 0,2,0
 71 }
 72 ,{//9
 73 0,2,0,
 74 1,3,1,
 75 0,2,0,
 76 0,3,1,
 77 0,2,0
 78 }
 79 };
 80 /*
 81 0是一个空格
 82 1是size个竖杠
 83 2是size个横杠
 84 3是size个虚横杠
 85 */
 86 int b[6][1001];
 87 int main()
 88 {
 89     string l;
 90     int size;
 91     while(cin>>size){
 92         cin>>l;
 93         if(size==0 && l=="0") break;
 94         int length=l.length();
 95         //组合数字模板在数组b中
 96         for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){   //循环行
 97             int f=1;    //组合数组b的第一个开始赋值
 98             for(int j=1;j<=length;j++){ //循环数字
 99                 int num=l[j-1]-'0';
100                 for(int k=0;k<3;k++){
101                     b[i][f]=a[num][i-1][k];
102                     f++;
103                 }
104                 b[i][f]=0;
105                 f++;
106             }
107         }
108         /*输出组合好的数字模板
109         for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){
110             for(int j=1;j<=3*length+length-1;j++)
111                 cout<<b[i][j];
112             cout<<endl;
113         }
114         */
115         //将数字模板解析成数字
116         //0输出一个空格
117         //1输出size行竖杠
118         //2输出size个横杠
119         //3输出size行空格
120         int count = 0;
121         for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){//循环行
122             for(int j=1;j<=3*length+length-1;j++){
123                 //if(j==3*length+length-1 && b[i][j]==0)
124                 //    continue;
125                 if(i%2!=0){
126                     switch(b[i][j]){
127                     case 0:
128                         cout<<' ';
129                         break;
130                     case 2:
131                         for(int k=0;k<size;k++)
132                             cout<<'-';
133                         break;
134                     case 3:
135                         for(int k=0;k<size;k++)
136                             cout<<' ';
137                         break;
138                     }
139                 }
140                 else{
141                     switch(b[i][j]){
142                     case 0:
143                         cout<<' ';break;
144                     case 3:
145                         for(int k=0;k<size;k++)
146                             cout<<' ';
147                         break;
148                     case 1:
149                         cout<<'|';break;
150                     }
151                 }
152             }
153             cout<<endl;
154             if(i%2==0){  //如果改行是偶数行,且输出次数再输出一遍
155                 ++count;    //如果是偶数行,已经输出一遍了,count+1
156                 if(count<size)
157                     --i;
158             }
159             else
160                 count=0;
161         }
162         cout<<endl;
163     }
164     return 0;
165 }

 Freecode : www.cnblogs.com/yym2013
