Unity周记: 2020.11.02-11.08

  1. YouTube - Unity
    1. Behind the Game: Escape from Tarkov | Unite Now 2020
    2. How to get creative with creative: promoting your game | Unite Now 2020
    3. Test Smarter, Not Harder Game Simulation & Anipang 4 | Unite Now 2020
    4. 2D Tips - Lightning round | Unite Now 2020
    5. Deep dive into the sound design and music of DARQ | Unite Now 2020
    6. Unlock the power of AI-assisted artistry | Unite Now 2020
    7. Improve your workflow using Sony's spatial reality display | Unite Now 2020
    8. Understanding Unity's support plan offerings | Unite Now 2020
    9. Tails of Iron: How Odd Bug used 2D lights to create mood | Unite Now 2020
    10. Getting started with streaming virtual texturing for games | Unite Now 2020
    11. Getting Started with Editor Scripting in Unity! | Tutorial
  2. Unity Technologies Blog
    1. Fruit Ninja 2 out today! Check out our exclusive interviews with the Creators
    2. Ringing the NYSE bell together: How Unity put the “U” in UPO
    3. Want to work at Unity? Here’s how our hiring process works
    4. Meet the experts that can help accelerate your game growth
  3. 微信公众号 - Unity官方平台
    1. 小姐姐一个人爆肝一个月制作的Unity实时渲染动画展示!!
    2. Unity “出圈”:游戏引擎的技术革新和跨界商机
    3. Unity双十一来啦,现在就立刻,买它!
    4. 上海拟镜科技使用Unity技术,开发了一款智慧3D导览交互系统
    5. 炫酷的XR技术怎么玩?这家获过100多个戛纳奖的创意公司告诉你
    6. Unity线上技术大会游戏专场议程大曝光:来与爆款大作的创作者面对面!
    7. 今日直播 | 从官方示例项目Adam学习体积光/雾效果
    8. 游戏往外走,海外还有哪些有量的安卓商店可以锦上添花?
    9. AI与艺术的约会 —— 基于ArtEngine的手机照片转化PBR材质流程
    10. HDRP建筑可视化案例:在家中“游览”首尔的网红艺术打卡圣地
    11. 全是干货,不容错过!Unity线上技术大会开幕在即,重磅嘉宾名单新鲜出炉
  4. Bilibili - Unity官方
    1. Unity中的编辑器脚本编程入门(教程)
    2. 中级编程教程-Unity中的C# Properties
    3. 中级编程教程-Unity中的C# Events
    4. 使用程序化动画创建Boss | Prototype系列
    5. [官方直播] Unity HDRP VR开发实践
    6. Unity社区直播|几种粒子效果的制作教学 Getting started with Particle Systems