unity meshrender理解

网格渲染器,其中unity里面多有的材质在渲染的时候都是会划分成三角形的,所以当添加一些物体的时候,例如3d text的时候,默认添加网格渲染器。



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Simple class for blinking the visibility of an item on and off

public class BlinkAnim : MonoBehaviour 
	public float blinkTime = 0.6f;

	void Update()
		// blink the item on and off using the material alpha.
		// use realtimeSinceStartup because Time.time doesn't increase when the game is paused.
		bool showTapToStart = Mathf.Repeat(Time.realtimeSinceStartup, 3*blinkTime) > blinkTime;
		Color col = GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color;
		col.a = showTapToStart ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
		GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = col;
