增加两个字段、 sql先查找、 在比较、然后更新、

#重点是需要递交、conn.commit()   不要忘记关闭

import requests
from lxml import etree
import psycopg2

def sql_cunchu():
conn = psycopg2.connect(database="mapwayonline", user="postgres", password="C02SP70YGF1J", host="", port="5434")
cur = conn.cursor()

# cur.execute("select name,index from bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top where id > 2463 and isworld = 1;")
# rows = cur.fetchall()
# for world in rows:
# print(world[0],world[1])

# cur.execute("select name,index from bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top where id > 2463 and ischina = 1;")
# rows = cur.fetchall()
# j = 1
# for china in rows:
# print(china[0], china[1])
# print(j)
# j += 1

#已经存在的500强 名字、
# cur.execute("select name from bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top where tyc_id is null and qcc_id is null and id < 2463")
# rows = cur.fetchall()
# m = 1
# for exist in rows:
# existcomp = exist[0]
# print(exist[0])
# print(m)
# m += 1

#已经存在的500强 名字、
"select name from bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top where tyc_id is null and qcc_id is null and id < 2463")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for exist in rows:
existcomp = exist[0]

cur.execute("select name,index from bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top where id > 2463 and isworld = 1")
world_rows = cur.fetchall()

for world in world_rows:
print(world[0], world[1])
if world[0] == existcomp:
cur.execute("UPDATE bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top SET index_isworld = %s WHERE tyc_id is null and qcc_id is null and id < 2463 and name = %s",(world[1], existcomp))

cur.execute("select name,index from bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top where id > 2463 and ischina = 1")
china_rows = cur.fetchall()
for china in china_rows:
print(china[0], china[1])
if china[0] == existcomp:
cur.execute("UPDATE bjzs_big_data.baoji_company_top SET index_ischina = %s WHERE tyc_id is null and qcc_id is null and id < 2463 and name = %s",(china[1], existcomp))



if __name__ == '__main__':
