Silverlight databinding limitations

Silverlight Transform DataBind Limitations

Target of databinding in Silverlight “HAS” to be a “FrameworkElement” and not just a “DependencyObject” like in WPF. I am not sure that there is a reason why databinding to “DependencyObject”s in Silverlight is explicitly omitted by Microsoft. Seems like it might be an oversight. But even after many people have complained about it in the forums, the databinding to “DependencyObject”s feature doesn’t seem to be included in the beta version of the latest Silverlight 3 library.

So, what does that mean"? Where does it really become a limitation? Well, it really does limit our options when trying to databind values to the “Transform” classes like the “RotateTransform”, “ScaleTransform”, “SkewTransform”, “TranslateTransform” etc. Let’s say that you are symbolizing your points as an Ellipse or a Rectangle, and you want to be able to size your symbols based on some value in the Attributes collection of your Graphic. The best way to do this would be to apply a ScaleTransform on the Ellipse or Rectangle (on the RenderTransform property) and databind the attribute values to the ScaleX and the ScaleY dependency properties of the ScaleTransform. But since the ScaleTransform is only a DependencyObject and not a FrameworkElement, we cannot bind to the ScaleX and ScaleY properties of the ScaleTransform. This scenario can easily be solved by binding to the Width and Height property of the Rectangle or Ellipse. But there are a lot of other scenarios that cannot be overcome as easily. Like for example, you will not be able to label along a line by databinding to a RotateTransform on a TextBlock for example. Also in the ESRI Silverlight API, we cannot apply a TextSymbol to a polyline or polygon geometry.

