c++ ios_base类

 ios_base is  Base class with type-independent members for the standard stream classes(ios);


ios_base::flags 用来控制流的格式。

fmtflags flags ( ) const;  
fmtflags flags ( fmtflags fmtfl );
Get/set format flags
The first syntax returns the current set of format flags set for the stream.
The second syntax sets a new set of format flags for the stream, returning its former value.

中的参数类型public member type ,ios_base::fmtflags 是Type for stream format flags;
 有很多字段 ,
如  showbase,展示是几进制

numerical base
dec read/write integral values using decimal base format.
hex read/write integral values using hexadecimal base format.
oct read/write integral values using octal base format.
float format 
fixed write floating point values in fixed-point notation.
scientific write floating-point values in scientific notation.

// modify flags
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
cout.flags ( ios::right | ios::hex | ios::showbase );
cout.width (10);
cout << 100;
return 0;
This simple example sets some format flags for cout that affect the latter insertion operation by printing the value in hexadecimal base format (0x64) padded right as in a field ten spaces long:影响后来的流插入符。

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main () {
cout << hex << setiosflags (ios_base::showbase | ios_base::uppercase);
cout << 100 << endl;
return 0;

setiosflags(ios::XXX)可以直接写成XXX。 如:cout<<setiosflags(ios::flxed)   cout<<fixed


