转:c++ virtual function

   C++ virtual function is a member function of a class, whose functionality can be over-ridden in its derived classes. The whole function body can be replaced with a new set of implementation in the derived class. The concept of c++ virtual functions is different from C++ Function overloading.

C++ Virtual Function - Properties:

   C++ virtual function is,

  • A member function of a class
  • Declared with virtual keyword
  • Usually has a different functionality in the derived class
  • A function call is resolved at run-time 在运行时绑定。

   The difference between a non-virtual c++ member function and a virtual member function is, the non-virtual member functions are resolved at compile time. This mechanism is called static binding. Where as the c++ virtual member functions are resolved during run-time. This mechanism is known as dynamic binding.

C++ Virtual Function - Reasons:

   The most prominent reason why a C++ virtual function will be used is to have a different functionality in the derived class.

   For example a Create function in a class Window may have to create a window with white background. But a class calledCommandButton derived or inherited from Window, may have to use a gray background and write a caption on the center. The Create function for CommandButton now should have a functionality different from the one at the class called Window.

C++ Virtual function - Example:

   This article assumes a base class named Window with a virtual member function named Create. The derived class name will be CommandButton, with our over ridden function Create.


  class Window // Base class for C++ virtual function example
virtual void Create() // virtual function for C++ virtual function example
cout <<"Base class Window"< }

class CommandButton : public Window
void Create()
cout<<"Derived class Command Button - Overridden C++ virtual function"< }

void main()
Window *x, *y;

x = new Window();

y = new CommandButton();

The output of the above program will be,
Base class Window
Derived class Command Button

   If the function had not been declared virtual, then the base class function would have been called all the times. Because, the function address would have been statically bound during compile time. But now, as the function is declared virtual it is a candidate for run-time linking and the derived class function is being invoked.

C++ Virtual function - Call Mechanism:

   Whenever a program has a C++ virtual function declared, a v-table is constructed for the class. The v-table consists of addresses to the virtual functions for classes and pointers to the functions from each of the objects of the derived class. Whenever there is a function call made to the c++ virtual function, the v-table is used to resolve to the function address. This is how the Dynamic binding happens during a virtual function call.


  Virtual是C++ OO机制中很重要的一个关键字。只要是学过C++的人都知道在类Base中加了Virtual关键字的函数就是虚拟函数(例如函数print),于是在Base的派生类Derived中就可以通过重写虚拟函数来实现对基类虚拟函数的覆盖。当基类Base的指针point指向派生类Derived的对象时,对point的print函数的调用实际上是调用了Derived的print函数而不是Base的print函数。这是面向对象中的多态性的体现。(关于虚拟机制是如何实现的,参见Inside the C++ Object Model ,Addison Wesley 1996)

class Base
virtual void print(){cout<<"Base";}

class Derived:public Base
void print(){cout<<"Derived";}

int main()
Base *point=new Derived();

(1)       重载的几个函数必须在同一个类中;
(2)       覆盖的几个函数必须函数名、参数、返回值都相同;
(3)       覆盖的函数前必须加关键字Virtual;

#include <iostream.h>
class Base
virtual void f(float x){ cout << "Base::f(float) " << x << endl; }
void g(float x){ cout << "Base::g(float) " << x << endl; }
void h(float x){ cout << "Base::h(float) " << x << endl; }

class Derived : public Base
virtual void f(float x){ cout << "Derived::f(float) " << x << endl; }
void g(int x){ cout << "Derived::g(int) " << x << endl; }
void h(float x){ cout << "Derived::h(float) " << x << endl; }

void main(void)
Derived d;
Base *pb = &d;
Derived *pd = &d;
// Good : behavior depends solely on type of the object
pb->f(3.14f); // Derived::f(float) 3.14
pd->f(3.14f); // Derived::f(float) 3.14
// Bad : behavior depends on type of the pointer
pb->g(3.14f); // Base::g(float) 3.14
pd->g(3.14f); // Derived::g(int) 3 (surprise!)
// Bad : behavior depends on type of the pointer
pb->h(3.14f); // Base::h(float) 3.14 (surprise!)
pd->h(3.14f); // Derived::h(float) 3.14

bp 和dp 指向同一地址,按理说运行结果应该是相同的,而事实上运行结果不同,所以他把原因归结为C++的隐藏规则,其实这一观点是错的。决定bp和dp调用函数运行结果的不是他们指向的地址,而是他们的指针类型。“只有在通过基类指针或引用间接指向派生类子类型时多态性才会起作用”(C++ Primer 3rd Edition)。pb是基类指针,pd是派生类指针,pd的所有函数调用都只是调用自己的函数,和多态性无关,所以pd的所有函数调用的结果都输出Derived::是完全正常的;pb的函数调用如果有virtual则根据多态性调用派生类的,如果没有virtual则是正常的静态函数调用,还是调用基类的,所以有virtual的f函数调用输出Derived::,其它两个没有virtual则还是输出Base::很正常啊,nothing surprise! 
所以并没有所谓的隐藏规则,虽然《高质量C++/C 编程指南》是本很不错的书,可大家不要迷信哦。记住“只有在通过基类指针或引用间接指向派生类子类型时多态性才会起作用”。
virtual function)。 纯虚拟函数的声明如下所示:

class Query {
// 声明纯虚拟函数
virtual ostream& print( ostream&=cout ) const = 0;
// ...


// Query 声明了纯虚拟函数
// 所以, 程序员不能创建独立的 Query 类对象
// ok: NameQuery 中的 Query 子对象
Query *pq = new NameQuery( "Nostromo" );
// 错误: new 表达式分配 Query 对象
Query *pq2 = new Query;

如果只知道virtual加在函数前,那对virtual只了解了一半,virtual还有一个重要用法是virtual public,就是虚拟继承。虚拟继承在C++ Primer中有详细的描述,下面稍作修改的阐释一下:

class Bear : public ZooAnimal { ... };

 每个Bear 类对象都含有其ZooAnimal 基类子对象的所有非静态数据成员以及在Bear中声明的非静态数据成员类似地当派生类自己也作为一个基类对象时如:

class PolarBear : public Bear { ... };

则PolarBear 类对象含有在PolarBear 中声明的所有非静态数据成员以及其Bear 子对象的所有非静态数据成员和ZooAnimal 子对象的所有非静态数据成员。在单继承下这种由继承支持的特殊形式的按值组合提供了最有效的最紧凑的对象表示。在多继承下当一个基类在派生层次中出现多次时就会有问题最主要的实际例子是iostream 类层次结构。ostream 和istream 类都从抽象ios 基类派生而来,而iostream 类又是从ostream 和istream 派生

class iostream :public istream, public ostream { ... };

缺省情况下,每个iostream 类对象含有两个ios 子对象:在istream 子对象中的实例以及在ostream 子对象中的实例。这为什么不好?从效率上而言,存储ios 子对象的两个复本,浪费了存储区,因为iostream 只需要一个实例。而且,ios 构造函数被调用了两次每个子对象一次。更严重的问题是由于两个实例引起的二义性。例如,任何未限定修饰地访问ios 的成员都将导致编译时刻错误:到底访问哪个实例?如果ostream 和istream 对其ios 子对象的初始化稍稍不同,会怎样呢?怎样通过iostream 类保证这一对ios 值的一致性?在缺省的按值组合机制下,真的没有好办法可以保证这一点。

C++语言的解决方案是,提供另一种可替代按“引用组合”的继承机制虚拟继承(virtual inheritance )在虚拟继承下只有一个共享的基类子对象被继承而无论该基类在派生层次
       通过用关键字virtual 修政一个基类的声明可以将它指定为被虚拟派生。例如,下列声明使得ZooAnimal 成为Bear 和Raccoon 的虚拟基类:

// 关键字 public 和 virtual
// 的顺序不重要
class Bear : public virtual ZooAnimal { ... };
class Raccoon : virtual public ZooAnimal { ... };



